Lacie's First Time at a firehouse

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"Dad, can I go to the firehouse with Chris" Lacie asked
"Yeah, Do you want me to drop you off at the firehouse. I will call Gabby to tell her you are coming over." Jay said
"Yeah, Sure I will tell Chris." Lacie said
"Hey Gabby are you at the Firehouse." Jay said
"Yeah, Why." Gabby asked
"Lacie is coming over, Christopher is meeting her there." Jay said
"Yeah, I'm here. She can come." Gabby said
"Erin,I love you." Jay said to his wife
Then He went upstairs to kiss Jay and Jessa,
"Bye Lane, Love you." Jay said
"Bye Dad." Lane said
"Lacie Lets go." Jay said
"I'm coming." Lacie said
"Ok Dad, you know Shay and Gabby really well right." Lacie said
"Yeah they are kinda like family to us, Your Uncle Tony Gabby is his sister." Jay said
"Ok, Well love you." Lacie said getting out
"Jay, Is it ok if she does a ride along." Gabby asked
"Yeah sure." Jay said
"Lacie ready to have a fun-filled day, if you want before anyone gets here I can give you a tour." Gabby said
"Ok, When will Christopher be here." Lacie asked
"When His dad gets here, Do you want something to eat." Gabby asked
"Yeah." Lacie asked
"Ok, Hop in we can go to Burger King." Gabby said
"I get to ride in this." Lacie asked
"Yup." Gabby said
They arrive at burger king ten mins later and eat there food.
They get back to the firehouse and everyone was there by now.
"Hey Lacie." Christopher said
"Hey." Lacie said
"Who is this Gabby." Boden asked
"Jay and Erin's kid Lacie." Gabby said "Oh, Hey Lacie. Do you have a brother." Boden asked
"Yeah, He is my twin, why." Lacie said
"I was wondering if he would like to come help out here, if he is not with His dad." Boden said
" I will call him." Lacie said
"Hey Lane, Do you wanna come by the firehouse Chief Boden wants to know if you would like to come help." Lacie asked him
"Yeah, Mom said I could and she is bringing the twins over, for Sylvie and Gabby to see them." Lane said
"Ok, See ya then." Lacie said
"He is coming over, My Mom is bringing the twins over as well." Lacie said
"Wait, I finally get to see the twins." Gabby asked
"Yeah." Lacie said
"Chief,Gabby and I have an announcement to share with all of you."
"What is it." Boden asked
"I am expecting twins." Gabby said
"I am gonna be an aunt." Sylvie said
"I am gonna be an uncle." Severide said
"Yup,Would you like to be the Godparents of one of them." Gabby said to Sylvie and Severide
"Yessss." Sylvie said
"Yeah, I would love too." Severide
"My Mom is here, she just text me." Lacie said
"Hi Lane, Nice to meet you." Matt said "You too." Lane said
"Do you wanna go on truck or squad, Christopher is already on truck, but We don't mind two people on truck." Matt said
"Squad seems more exciting, next time I will definitely pick truck though." Lane said
"Ha. I told you He would pick Squad." Severide said
"Erin,They are so cute." Gabby said
"Oh yes. Jessa is cute, Jay is too." Sylvie said
"Thank you, I knew you would like to see them,Do you wanna hold one of them." Erin said to the two
"Yes, Give me Jessa." Sylvie said
"I will hold Jay." Sylvia said
"Hey Erin, How have you been." Severide said
"Good, I heard your wife had a daughter." Erin said
"Yep, Her Name is Jacie Elizabeth." Severide said
"That is such a cute name, Who is your wife." Erin asked
"Sylvie." Severide said as Brett was walking over there.
"Wait, You are married." Erin asked
"Yes We are." Brett said
"Lacie Lane, Do you want a tour of the place." Christopher askes
"Yeah, I would love too." Lacie said
"Hey, Your Dad will pick you up after shift, I love you both. Please be careful" Erin said
"Ok, Love you." Lane said

Erin us taking the twins to go see there Grandpa, Uncles and Dad, while The older twins are at the firehouse.
"Jay, I am coming over, I just dropped Lane off at the Firehouse, Boden asked if he could come." Erin said
"Ok." Jay said
"Hey Platt." Erin said
"Hey Erin, What have you guys been up too."Platt asked
"Nothing much, We are just coming by to see everyone." Erin said
"Ok, I will see you later then." Platt said
Erin is walking up the stairs.
"Hey Guys. Look who wanted to see their Aunts and Uncles." Erin said
"When are you coming back." Nadia said
"Not til after my Wedding." Erin said
"Ugh." Nadia said
"Hey Erin, Hows the twins." Jay asked "Good. I dropped Lane off at the firehouse, I told them you would pick them up after your shift." Erin said
"Ok, I will." Jay said
"Erin, Your here." Hank said giving Erin a hug
"Yep. Do you wanna hold one of them." Erin asked
"Yeah, Give me Jessa." Hank said
"Erin is upstairs" Platt said to Kim and Roman
"With the twins." Kim asked
"Yeah." Platt said
"I will be back." Kim said
"Erin, Can hold my goddaughter." Kim asked
"No, Hank is holding her, but you can hold Jay."Erin said

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