Surprises happen, even when you don't want them too.

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"Hey Er, Ready to go." Jay asked
"Yeah,Let me sign the papers." Erin said
"Erin,I need you to sign the discharge papers." Dr. Halstead said
"Ok." Erin said
"When can I go back to work." Erin asked
"Whenever you feel like you are ready." Dr. Whilhite said
"Ok,Thank you."
"Lacie,Lane Please get the twins buckled in the car.I will be right out with your Mom." Jay said
"Ok Dad." Lane said
Lane and Lacie do as he said.
"Hey Lane,We can watch the twins while they go out tonight since they haven't done that in a while." Lacie said
"Ok." Lane said
"Mom,Dad When we get home you guys are going to get dresses up nicely for a dinner at La Amor's. We have planned you guys a night out. Lane and I are babysitting the twins." Lacie said
"Ok." Erin said
"Erin,No need to worry The Twins can take good care of them." Jay said
"Ok." Erin said
Erin and Jay got the twins in pajamas ready for when Lacie and Lane put them to bed. Thr got themselves ready also. Jay ordered pizza for the to eat.
"Lacie,Make sure you cute the pieces up good. I know your brother won't listen." Erin said
"Mom go, No need to worry." Lacie said
They left and The Twins fed the younger ones. Lacie and Lane Let the twins play before putting them down. They put them down and went into their rooms, to watch Netflix. Lane heard a noise from downstairs he goes to the staircase and sees that a Guy wearing a mask is in the kitchen. Lane sneaks quietly into Lacies room
"Lacie,there is someone downstairs, get Jay into Jessa's room while I get the Gun.Call Grandpa." Lane whispered
Lane got the gun and ran downstairs
"Grandpa come to the house quickly please." Lacie said
"Why." Hank said
"Someone broke in they have a gun. Lane is downstairs trying to scare him off." Lacie said
"Just hide while I call the rest of the team." Hank said
Lacie did so. She heard gunshots throughout the house. She hid. Hank sped to the house faster than he did when the twins were being born.
"Chicago Pd open up." Kevin yelled
No one opened so They busted down the door. No one contacted Jay or Erin yet.
"Lane,Put pressure on this Kim." Dawson said 
Kim did as she was supposed to.
The Gunman must've ran into the backyard because the back door was open. Atwater  and Ruzk ran and shot the guy.
Hank ran upstairs to Jessa's room and Lacie opened up the door Hank hugged her tight.
"We have a 14 year old boy shot. Come to 1782 East Chicago Street" Dawson said
"Guys we are losing him." Kim said
"Lane,Stay awake." Kim said slapping him
"Ambulance 61 A Boy shot at 1782 East Chicago Street." The Dispatch said
"Oh Shit thats Jay and Erin's house." Shay said
Shay sped as fast as she could to their house.
Shay and Brett ran inside quickly
They put him on the gurney and into the ambo. They sped to Chicago Med where  behind them everyone was speeding to. Hank never sped so fast in his life.
"Erin,Jay meet us at the hospital. I will tell you what happened when you get here." Hank said
"Ok." Erin said
"Babe,what do you think happened. I hope it wasnt Jessa or Jay that got hurt." Jay said
"I don't know." Erin said
They got to the hospital as quick as possible.
"Boy 14, shot in the chest." Shay said
"Oh gosh,thats Lane. Let's prep the OR. He is the only person we are working on." Dr. Halstead said
"Will,Please help him." Hank said
"I am doing my best." Will said
"Hank,What happened." Erin yelled
"There was a burglar who happened to have a gun,Lane went downstairs with your handgun and the guy shot at him Lane shot back, and Got shot in the chest. Ruzek and Atwater shot the guy he is dead. They are on there way." Hank said
"Oh my gosh." Jay said
Lane was in surgery for 5 hours, and was still in there. Erin got worried.  Everyone was silent even Adam who surprisingly didn't make any smart-ass comments. Lacie had to play with the twins.
"Grandpa is he going to be ok." Lacie asked
"I don't know. I will ask." Hank said
"Updates on Lane Halstead." Hank asked
"No, He is still in surgery." The Nurse said
"Oh my gosh. When is he getting out." Jay said
Jay started getting mad. He wasn't happy that his son is in surgery still after 5 hours.
"Jay,Calm down." Erin said
"Erin,Don't tell me to calm down, my son is still in surgery because he got shot, I will not calm down until He gets out and I am told he is fine." Jay yelled
"Jay,Come take a walk with me."  Adam said
"Erin,come see." Kim said
Hugging crying Erin
"Jay,Erin you may come see him." Dr. Halstead said
Erin and Jay ran towards the room.
"I was able to fix the damage down by the bullet he has a few cracked ribs and A Collapsed lung. I want to keep him in the Hospital for a week or two. He is fine but not out of the woods yet." Will said
"Thank you Will. I really appreciate it." Jay said giving him a hug
"Anything for Family." Will said
"Erin,how about you take the kids home,come back in the morning. I will stay with Lane." Jay said
"No,I am staying with my son.Kim and Adam can watch the kids." Erin said
"We would be more than happy to watch them for a few days." Kim said
"Guys,All of you can have the week off. I will tell Commander Perry that my unit will not be in use this week." Hank said
"All right, See you tomorrow, Bye Lacie,Bye Jay and Jessa." Antonio said
"Bye Uncle Tony." Lacie said
Everyone left.
"Lacie,Ready to go." Kim said
"Yeah,My phone is about to die." Lacie said
Kim grabbed Jessa and Adam grabbed Jay.
"Erin,We will be back tomorrow." Kim said
"Ok." Erin said
They all went home.

So How did you guys like it. I really hoped you enjoyed it. I will write another Chapter tonight and it should be up tomorrow. I am sooo glad to be back at writing again it feels really good. Vote,Comment.
Thanks for reading

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