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C H A P T E R - F I F T E E N

"Because whether or not, we still took Y/N as our friend, am I right?" Jaehyuk uttered as Yedam nodded his head in approval.

"Well, we don't know about the others yet so it's better to just keep our own thoughts than to be vocal about it. Got it?"Yedam cheekily smiled at Jaehyuk.



Free time, which students can still go around the school to enjoy the time before first classes. Chit-chat everywhere. Jaehyuk had his own way to his girlfriend's favourite spot..

Jaehyuk stood there watching his girlfriend checking her face on her mini mirror while putting some lip gloss on her lower lip. She popped her lips together before she applied some brow color on her eyebrows.

After, she put back her mirror on her bag and stand up, was about to go but when she saw her boyfriend there standing watching her, behind the columns. Her eyes lit up seeing her boyfriend as she thought Jaehyuk missed her so damn much.

"Babe! What are you doing in here? You missed me?" She beams as a sheepish smile formed on her lips. She walked to him and her hands on her back swinging her body. "You missed me?" She smiled hoping her Jaehyuk to answer her.

"Hey babe! Are you listening?" She rounded her eyes at him and shaked his body. "Ugh! Here we go again. I asked, do you missed me even a little bit?" She asked again and just sighed in annoyance waiting for him to answer maybe he just glitches.

But he did not, instead just stares at her seriously, lips parted and had a blank face, showing he is not happy. She pouted, "Is this because of that hoe that's why you are cold to me these days?" She straightforwardly asked him with a raging tone.

"I asked is this about that bitch that's wh-"

"This is why I'm here to settle this stuff."

Jaehyuk finally responses her making Jelian scoffed in disbelief and puts her hands in her hips. "This girl again, my OWN boyfriend defending for." She shakes her head and rolled her eyes. "Would it benefit you if you'll side that whore--" "Stop bad mouthing her if you don't want me to break up with you, right now." Jaehyuk seductively mumbled.

She scoffed and exhaled heavily. "She did stole you from me." She speaks in lower voice. "What did you just said?" Jaehyuk asked her scowling like. "I said; SHE STOLE YOU AWAY FROM ME! DID NOT YOU REALISED THAT?! IT'S SO FUCKING DISGUSTING AND NASTY!" She yelled at him.


You were sneaking through Jaehyuk's classroom, as you bit your bottom lip and walked slowly, bending your knee and peeked through the window.

Seeing no Jaehyuk there made you let out a exhausted sigh and you just stood up and fixed your hair first. You were about to go but when a hand pinned you back to the wall making you hiss in pain. Your back hurts a lot and felt like your back bone breaks.

"Damn it." You cursed under your breath and was about to stand out straight because you were bending down due to the sudden impact.

A familiar silhouette of a standing guy on front of you can be seen. You gulped in hard but tried to act it cool. "Finding for Jaehyuk, huh?" He asked you with a deep voice.

"It's none of your business-" You pushed him hard as he fell on his butt. You were again about to go but when Jungwon's figure suddenly shows up earning some frightened face from you.

He smirked, "Sunghoon-hyung stop sitting there like a weak men and stand up this is our chance..." He spoke.


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