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real life
carmen and her family have been in georgia now for about a month and the house is already almost done. carmens room was decorated first as she was having the same theme as before so it was easier to get that over and done with.
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carmens room (the room is kenna maries shes a youtuber so if u wanna check out the video search "kenna marie room tour" and it will be one of the first two)
this week is antonio rodriguez 's death anniversary. during this time carmen shuts herself of from everyone as her and her dad was very close and his passing affected her the most , obviously it affected the whole family but antonio was carmens inspiration from a small child.
"hey mateo is carmen ok , she hasn't been answering any of my texts nor has she answered jaylas or javons" jaden asked mateo as he was hanging out over at the waltons house playing video games with the boys "yes and no, this week has been five years since our dad had died and carmen was very close to him so shes not her usual self , come over later she'll like the company. " mateo told jaden "you sure its ok if i come over" jaden asked "yeah bro its totally fine" mateo nodded.
a few hours passed and mateo and jaden decided to head over to mateos place. "hey boys you ok" valentina said when the two walked into the kitchen "yeah we're good is carmen still upstairs" mateo replied "yeah she is, she hasn't been down all day , can you take her this food i was just about to take it up to her" valentina asked her son "yeah of course" mateo took the plate of food and bottle of water up stairs.
"hey carmen" he knocked on the door "go away" she sniffed , a clear sign shes been crying , "i have food for you mom wants you to eat" mateo said "im fine tao i dont want anything" carmen said " carmen please just open the door and get the food" mateo huffed "ok fine jeez i'll come get it" carmen got out of bed and unlocked her door "oh hi" carmen smiled at jaden when she opened the door "hey" jaden smiled back "so is this all you wanted to give me" carmen asked "yeah and jaden was gonna hang out with you" mateo told his sister "thats nice of you to offer jaden but right now i dont feel like hanging out, im sorry, maybe another time" carmen apologised. she really meant that but deep down she felt bad that her best friend was gonna hang out with her and she declined. "its ok dont worry , another time is fine" jaden replied "carmen you cant stay in your room all week just hang out with jaden for an hour at least you dont even have to leave the house just do something together in the living room or something you need to socialise" mateo told carmen "ok fine , do you wanna go watch tv or something" carmen asked jaden "actually i was thinking we went down to the beach, mateo said you liked the beach so maybe it will cheer you up a bit" jaden suggested "ugh but i look like shit and don't feel like going out" carmen groaned looking at herself in the mirror taking in her appearance, the dark circles under her eyes from the lack of sleep, the once whites of her eyes which is now red from the amount of crying she has done the past few days , her hair, that hasn't been brushed, which is stuck up in a messy bun , the clothes shes been wearing all week from the lack of motivation from getting out of her bed to do the small task that was getting changed. "carmen you look perfect dont worry, if you care that much go get showered , i'll get some clothes for you so you dont have to worry" jaden came up to his best friend and placed his hand on her arm as he spoke, "j you dont have to its fine" carmen said "no i wanna make you happy so im gonna do everything in my power to do that, go get yourself freshened up" jaden told her "what did i do to deserve a friend like you" carmen smiled hugging jaden "texted the wrong number maybe" jaden sarcastically said making carmen laugh "true" she smiled.
after carmen finished in the shower she grabbed the clothes from her room and got changed in the bathroom
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the fit
"ok you wanna go now" carmen asked jaden once she felt ok with the way she looked "yeah sure" jaden smiled. the two set of on their journey to the beach. when they arrived jaden walked carmen over to a an area on the beach which was set up with a blanket and some food "what's this for" carmen asked confused "i thought id do something to cheer you up" "thank you j , this is really sweet" carmen smiled wrapping her arms around jadens neck, his arms going around her waist. the two 16 year olds sat down on the blanket and started eating, talking and laughing, making carmen happier than she was an hour previous. "hey carmen" jaden said "yeah" she said turning her attention from the sea to jaden "can i say something" he asked, carmen nodded "i know we've only known eachother for a few months but during those few months ive grown to know you're the sweetest person ive probably ever met and i like you, not just in a friend way but more, its ok if you dont feel the same way but i was wondering if you would wanna be my girlfriend maybe" he explained to carmen. the girl let out a shocked "what" not expecting jaden to say what he just did "did i do something wrong?" jaden asked worried that he messed up "no you haven't , i was just wasn't expecting you to ask me that. jaden i would love to be your girlfriend" carmen said "really" jaden asked "yup" carmen nodded. (bruh pls dont judge idk how people ask each other out im like the most socially awkward person to exist and never been asked out myself so yeah its like awkwardly written ig) the two teens hugged and after a while of hanging out left the beach to go back home. the two walked up the walton familys front porch. "hey jaden we was just heading up to bed , oh carmen its so lovely to see you how you holding up" jessica said "im good thanks" carmen smiled , the teens spoke to jessica for a few minutes longer before deciding to watch tv. "its late now i think ima go home and sleep" carmen said looking at her phone seeing the time was 11:59 (tbh for me thats early 😭😭) "why dont you stay here" jaden asked " sure i'll just go grab what i need" carmen nodded "no its fine just wear one of my shirts and i kept that spare toothbrush you used when you stayed over the first night you was here" jaden said "ok" carmen replied as she got handed a shirt to wear to bed. the girl walked into the bathroom to get ready for the night. she pulled jadens shirt over her head after taking hers off, she kept on her shorts she was wearing earlier. after that carmen walked out and climbed into bed next to jaden before falling asleep just like they did the first night she stayed over.