1. experience & reunion

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It's been a month since Taehyung joined his new school.

The last year of high school, and he had only one year to make new friends. Friends who you are supposed to be having the time of your life with before a new chapter begins. How would he even get this close with anyone so quick? And have a gang that you can trust. Heck, he surely missed his old friends now.

Taehyung had the experience though, being completely familiar with the whole cycle of  'dad changing jobs, new school, new friends and repeat'.

This probably being his eight time, he kind of hated his life at this point. Even though he was having the hardest time of all the high schoolers to exist, he swore he wouldn't complain about it even to his best friend, Namjoon.

And of course! the whole soulmate thing, there's only a year left until everyone would know the names of their partners. No one really talked about it though, and Taehyung never seemed to care until after he turned 17, and not a day passed by without the thought of 'would god mess with my love life too?'

"Hola amigo, where you at?", Jimin waved his hand in front of Taehyung, who snapped back from his thread of infinite repetitive thoughts.

"I- uh..", Taehyung looked around at the classroom for a bit, eyes hazy.

Giggling, Jimin peeked over his shoulder and frowned, noticing that Taehyung hadn't written most of his notes from the class.

Jimin chuckled and whispered, "Damn, does me sitting next to you make you soo nervous that you haven't even written your notes??"

Taehyung looked back at him, melting at his cute smile. The smile that would melt hundreds, well millions actually. Jimin had been Taehyung's childhood friend, but he never thought he would reunite with him in this school and vibe so effortlessly after several years. Coincidence much? It's probably the whole soulmate thing again. Maybe it's meant to be. Nevertheless, the only reason Taehyung was sane at this point, was because of him.

"Ahah shut up hyung, let me listen to Mr. Han", Taehyung chuckled while playfully hitting his shoulder and turning to the professor to concentrate (not really - he just wants to stay in his thoughts for a while).

"Okay but seriously Taehyung, just take my book with you today and get your notes done, evaluation is next week."

"The evaluation what?!" Taehyung half shrieked, causing the whole classroom and the professor, Mr. Han to turn their heads to the pair.

"Any problem there Mr. Kim?"

Taehyung furiously shook his head as he's blushed, causing Jimin to chuckle at his adorable reaction.

Taehyung really really hated gaining any attention to himself, no matter what, he would always overthink about every interaction he's ever had in school and cry himself to sleep. (Yes he knows how dramatic he is, but he feels he should at least have the right for that!)

And especially after he's met his childhood crush, he felt the need to do better and stop making a mess of himself every time he is under Jimin's presence.

Bell rings, chairs shuffle, and students rushed to leave for their next lecture as Mr. Han muttered the homework to everyone. Which obviously, no one cared about. Only the professor, Jimin and Taehyung were left in the classroom.

Jimin kept his book on Taehyung's table and stood up, "Okay I have another class, you have a free lecture now right? You can start writing now itself!" Jimin smiled reassuringly.

"Thank You hyung, I appreciate it." Taehyung wasn't lying, he was really thankful to have bumped into him in this school, what would he have done without him? He was sure that Jimin was the only one that could provide him with a memorable year.

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