Final battle

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I got woken up by a kick to my feet. My head shot up as I tried to check my surroundings only to notice I was completely tied up. Standing before me was the nightmare I had hoped to never come near again. Dreykov looked down at me with a smug expression, letting me linger in fear before saying anything. "Welcome home Aleksandra" he whispered as he walked around me without letting our eye contact break. I felt my hands shaking uncontrollably as my throat clenched up with despair. He enjoyed seeing me like this, knowing he was still in control, that I couldn't escape him no matter what.

Out of nowhere the door across from me flew open and I saw Melina enter the study. She briefly looked my way but didn't show any emotion so I couldn't make out what she was possibly thinking. Dreykov shifted his attention away from me to ask Melina some questions too quiet for me to understand. He forcefully guided her to an empty chair in front of his desk whereas he bent over her in a dominating fashion. He asked about Yelena and the way this so called antidote came to be. I could see both their eyes shift in my direction when Melina explained the antidote managed to completely nullify the chemical subjugation, which they made the second generation widows undergo. This specific statement made his eyes glow with a sliver of satisfaction, "I see, that's a shame." "What about Natasha", she asked after a brief pause. His expression turn furious,"Imagine what I could do with an Avenger under my control" he said after giving it a thought. "Subjugate her to your little science project Melina" he ordered as a smile rose back to his face. She gave him an uncomfortable look right before he placed his hand on her face which revealed some kind of mask. He pulled it off and let out a satisfied chuckle as my sisters face was shown from underneath. My stomach turned as I tried to shout for her which was made impossible by the lump in my throat. Suddenly I heard a slight shift behind me so I tried to turn my head as far as I could, only to see Dreykov's special project, Taskmaster, standing in the far corner of the room. The gun pointing my way was enough to instruct me to sit still and not interfere the conversation unfolding before me. "No need to get impatient, I'll get to you next" he sent my way while commanding the person behind me to lower their weapon.

"Little Natasha, finally back after all those years. Did you really think you could kill me that easily?" His hand caressed her face gently, like a loving father. "My daughter made it all the way to the Avengers, I couldn't be prouder." Then he turned to me and I could see his expression shift. "You didn't think I've been sitting still this entire time now, did you? You thought you could free my widows, but they were only the first step. I have created something that goes beyond that." I felt the tip of a gun jab in my ribs, ushering me to get up. I turned my head around only to face my own image reflected in Taskmaster's vizor. "I'll show you what we've been working on", he said as I was pushed in his direction. I could feel the unease growing while everything inside me was screaming to run. Natasha tried to get up from her chair but was pushed down immediately by his forceful hands. "You didn't think I'd experiment on my precious new asset right? No, I can't afford to lose an Avenger. But this one... this one is no longer of any use to me, which makes her the perfect guinea pig."  His face was so close, I could feel his breath wash over me. I was absolutely petrified, unable to move a single muscle. He grabbed me by the throat, taking away any remaining thoughts I had about escaping. With his other hand he waved beside me, ordering the person behind me to bring something up. I clenched my hands around his, trying my hardest to break out of his iron grasp but I had lost all my strength. I started stuggling even harder when I saw his hand return to my vision holding a syringe containing some red liquid. "Hold still" he barked my way. For a brief moment his hand disappeared around my neck only for it to return in the form of a blow across my face. Then his fingers tightened around my throat again, squeezing so hard I could barely breath. I could feel my feet lifting off the ground as I started kicking around, desperate for air. 

A cold sensation entered my body as I felt the needle slide into my neck. "There, that wasn't so bad now was it." My body was released and fell to the ground. My vision turned red and my head started to ache like it had never before. I could feel the strange substance course through my body like it was a fire spreading inside me. I slowly lost all my other senses to the deafening pain. I opened my mouth but could not hear my own screams. I felt the tears streaming down my face but could no longer see anything. Untill it was all gone. As abruptly as it had started, the pain faded away. But it had taken something from me as well. I closed my mouth and felt my hand wiping away the tears but didn't seem to have any control over the movements. I sat there on my knees, facing down, for what seemed like an eternity, until I suddenly rose up from my stature. I could hear my sisters muffled voice calling out my name, but it sounded miles away. A hand landed on my shoulder in the form of a proud pat, but I couldn't seem to react to it. In fact, I didn't have any control over my own body. I stood absolutely motionless, seeming more dead than alive apart from an occasional blinking. 

My sister rose from her chair with the most furious expression I had ever seen. At first I thought she was heading my way but realized her target was the individual behind me. He didn't seem fazed at all, in fact, he was laughing at her. Their conversation got drowned out by the sound of my own pulsating heart, which kept going faster and faster. I couldn't see what was going on as I was frozen like a statue. Suddenly a shadow walked past me, but it wasn't my sister. The mysterious person that had been observing everything going on from the quiet corner of the room, was sent on their way. I caught a glipse of Taskmaster's face as she put her helmet back on. I held my breath as I let my eyes trace over her deformed look, before it all disappeared again under an iron mask. I got shaken back to reality by a gunshot going off behind me. I could hear a struggle unfold yet was not able to unfreeze from my position. It stayed quiet for a minute before Dreykov walked back into my vision holding his tablet. He sat down behind his desk and started mumbling something about Melina with a smug look on his face. My heart skipped when I felt my sisters hand brush past mine as she walked around me, not letting him out of her sight. I wanted to call out to her but something kept me from making even the tiniest sound. She stopped right in front of him and let her hands rest on the desk, bending over slighly. She interupted his speech and I could see his face turning a shade of red. She was calling him out and slowly getting under his skin until he snapped, got up and punched her right in the face. She started laughing about the weak slap which only provoked him worse, and I could do nothing but watch. He circled around his desk towards her, winding up for another hit. I closed my eyes out of frustration but could still hear the impact. I clenched my jaw as yet an other blow landed. When he got her to the ground he walked back to his desk to open a drawer and show her his work, his pride. A projection started on the wall across of him as he explained his achievements over the years. The hairs in my neck stood up, watching everything he had made his widows, my sisters do. All those years, all those girls he took and trained to be an assassin like me. Until a single laugh directed my attention  away from the screen to its source, Natasha. She was smiling. I wasn't the only one puzzled by her reaction as Dreykov too, looked confused. She walked closer to him, coming to a hold right on the other end of his desk. As she stopped in her tracks she gave me a quick look before turning back to him and saying, "Thank you for your cooperation". There was a slight pause before she slammed her face on the desk and breaking her nose. She reached over and returned one of the punches she took earlier, unfortunately he had already managed to sound the alarm. She walked over to him to finish the job but now it was his turn to bring out a laugh. He brought up his arm and pointed across the room, to me. "Lets see what you can do."

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