Final battle, part 2

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"You don't leave this room until she is dead", he commanded my way before he walked out. My body suddenly came alive as if someone had flicked a switch. A daze washed over me and all thoughts were cleared from my head. My own voice got banished, like I was trapped inside my own body that was being controlled by someone else. A blank expression rose to my face as I walked over to the woman standing across the room. She flinched back a few steps until her back was against the wall. Then a second switch got turned on inside me and I felt my ears pop. My heart was now racing and adrenaline was rushing through my body. My muscles were on fire yet itching for action. I looked down at my hands and noticed I had clenched my fists so hard, my nails had dug into my palms. Blood was trickling down my hands and I could feel excitement rise in my stomach. Time felt like it was slowing down around me and as the first drop of blood hit the floor, I was off. I swung wide at my opponent, who tried to block full guard. She managed to keep my fist away from her face but was surprised by the overwhelming difference in strength, which sent her flying across the room. I closed the distance in a single leap before picking her off the floor and throwing her into the wall. I noticed her holding her shoulder as she tried to get back up. Her mouth opened but I paid no attention to the words coming out. Her face turned sad, if not desperate as she pulled a gun from the holster around her thigh. I took a step forward, staring down the barrel that was pointing my way. Another step. Before I reached her, she finally pulled the trigger. I could clearly see the flame coming out of the gun, followed by the bullet travelling towards me. I flung to the right, avoiding impact but an other shot was already on the way. This one managed to scrape me as I lunged forward to my enemy. I pulled the gun from her hands before I grabbed her neck and slammed her into the wall again. This time I didn't let go and waited for her to stop the futile struggle. I kept squeezing a little tighter, annoyed it took so long for her to give up. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and immediately let go of my prey. I turned around and saw an other girl standing in the doorway, holding the weapon I had just thrown away. I could feel the warm blood seeping past my arm, creating a pool of blood on the ground. Out of nowhere I could feel a cloud of tiredness wash over me. My limbs turned heavy, my breathing was uneven. My head filled with noise, as if something was waking up from inside. I fell to one knee while holding my shoulder to try and stop the bleeding. My vision turned blurry and I could hear a voice screaming inside me, trying to take back control. I reached for the knife strapped to my leg but let it slip out of my bloodied hand, onto the floor. I sat down on my other knee and willed myself to grab the blade. I quickly flipped it around and let it come down into my thigh. The pain made the voices fall back into the background and the silence returned. I inhaled deeply before pulling the knife out and standing back up for round two.

The adrenaline was coming back and my head was empty. The only thing that mattered was to crush the person that had shot me. My eyes made contact with the blonde girl who was still standing in the doorway, before I launched off her direction. I managed to place my hand on her gun before ripping it out of her grip and breaking it in two. When I turned back to her, I saw her coming in for a swing on my bad side. I had no choice but to block with my injured arm and upon impact felt my eyes water up. For payback I put my weight behind my punch and launched it straight into her stomach. This made her double over to the ground, after which I planted my boot right on the side of her face. She fell over but did not admit defeat. Her hand curled around my ankle in an attempt to hold me down. I tried to shake her off until suddenly a weight hooked itself to my back. A pair of arms slipped under mine and slid into a chokehold. I tried to struggle free but could not muster any strength with my left arm. I let out a frustrated cry. I kicked off the hand that was still around my ankle and slammed the person on my back into the wall. They didn't let go and started to apply even more pressure around my bad arm. Blood was running out the wound and the pain started to be unbearable. A kick in the back of my knees got me to the ground as my hands were held down behind my back. The screams in my head got louder until it actually managed to use my voice and blurt out "Stop!"

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