(V1) Chapter 4 : Kushida's True Nature

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Kiyo's POV :

After i said that in my thoughts they all turned silent due to fear which made the atmosphere so tense. Of course, some were unaffected but decided to stay silent because they just want to.

Dio had already announced the result but they still remained silent. Most of them had already move on, mostly the kohais, senpais and the adults. Those in my year were are the most affected, especially my classmates. They never saw me changed my tone nor emotion so this took them by surprise. The first to break the silence was Kushida.

Kushida : " Are you mad, Ayanokoji-kun? I've never heard you changed your tone that much. It was really scary."

Kiyo : " Who knows."

Kushida simps : " That's not even an answer! You should answer Kushida-chan if she asked you!"

Their recent fear and their love for Kushida, took control of their minds to make reasonable judgment. Now, their spouting nonsense.

' Heh, thank god they're idiots. With this I'm going to make them doubt Ayanokoji-kun. If this continues they might side with him. It would be harder for me to expel him." - Kushida

Kushida : " Also Ayanokoji-kun, why didn't you tell us in the earlier months about your abilities. I know the strategy behind it but I think you should had also told us about it not just Horikita-san. We would also hide it for your sake. Do you not trust us?"

Fake tears appear in her eyes, garnering sympathies from my classmates to doubt me and my decision about hiding my abilities. As expected, she would not let this chance past her.

Bitchnohara : " That's Right! We're your classmates, it's unreasonable of you to be keep us in the dark!"

Miyamosquito : " It's true that we would get expelled if you suddenly scored perfect scores. But what about the Sports Festival and the other Special Exams. Your athletic, right? Then we could have gotten better results if you didn't hold back!"

Wow. They're really giving some good arguments here. Humans tend to be quick-witted or smart when their trying to reason themselves in order to justify their actions or save themselves.

I could see Kushida giving a faint victory smile. She's enjoying this. Did she think her plan is working well.

{ Dio : Don't worry, king. That would be her last victory smile😉}

Dio just talk with me telepathically. Is he going to show that this time. But.. you should also stop calling me that! Sigh, then I have to stop this and get started already. There is way to escape this...

Kiyo : " So you guys disagree with Horikita's strategy, your leader's strategy, that is."

Horikita glared at me. Ryuen and Sakayanagi is trying to hold their laugh and Ichinose has a bitter smile. Some others also wearing the same expression as this four. It's true that I might not get away with this excuse as what Dio said. But that only depends on the issue at hand, the timing and the person I'm using against it. This is still effective to this guys who don't even suspect Horikita being not their true victory bringer.

Bitchnohara and Miyamosquito : " That's.... "

As what I want, they shut up. They seems still trying to think on what would be their next argument but they cut by Dio's announcement.

Dio: " Okay, that's enough! Let's start our the fourth bout, shall we?!"

The second years changed their gears and focus on the competition at hand. Their faces is full of determination to win the next bout or to get a head to the other classes. But before he start he look at Kushida and talk to her telepathically. How did I know? Because he also let me in..

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