(V2) Chapter 17.2 : The Manual and Kiyo vs Ryuen

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Kiyo's POV :

Hiyori : " I Hate You! " she shouted with tears in her eyes and anger

And Ryuen turned to stone. It's as if he was fortified. His fortified body soon cracked and then broke into a pool of sand. And was washed away by the wind.

It's like the reaction when an overprotective father was told 'I hate you' by his beloved daughter.

Hiyori ran to Nishino and hid her face to her chest and asked for comfort to which Nishino responded. Ibuki just laughed in mockery of Ryuen. Albert and Ishizaki were trying to collect and piece Ryuen's body back with worry in their face.

As for us, we don't know how to react. And the video continues after Ryuen returned to his normal demeanor but still affected by Hiyori's merciless words.

I returned to our classroom, which was now empty of students. Chabashira-sensei stood near my seat, looking out the window.

Haruka : " Ahh!! "

While the video was playing, Haruka suddenly shouted as if she remembered something.

When she noticed the commotion she did, she repeatedly bowed and apologized.

Akito : " So... what in the hell did you remember? " he asked, exasperated

Haruka : " I just remembered that we were about to hit the karaoke that time with Kiyopon! " she couldn't help herself but shout it in horror

Then Akito, Keisei and Airi's expressions suddenly change into dreadful faces.

Everyone : """ NANI?!! """

Kiyo : " Calm down. Remember that I stopped on the way and supposedly returned to my dorm because I'm tired. "

And they heave a sigh of relief.

Honami : " So you're on your way to Karuizawa-san, right? "

Himeno : " Wait. If that's really the case, why is he in the classroom? "

This made them pause for a few seconds and they later looked at me for answers. But I tried to imitate Ryuen as I pointed my index finger to the screen and signaled them to just watch.

"If this is like previous years, it'll probably snow," she said.

"Do you like snow?"

"I used to. Then I grew up and came to hate it." Chabashira-sensei pulled the curtains shut and turned around. "You said that you have something to discuss. What do you want with me?"

"I was just wondering. Why do you want to make it to Class A so badly that you'd go so far as to use me to do it?"

Horikita : " I'm also curious about that. "

Matsushita : " Our first impression-actually, our assumption of Sensei until several hours ago is that she doesn't care about the class ranks and Class A, but we're terribly mistaken. "

Kei : " It really surprised us when we knew that Sensei was actually the opposite. "

Not only Class C nodded in agreement, but also some other classes. To which Chabashira-sensei didn't make any responses but only let out a sigh.

You'd think a teacher might hesitate to lie and manipulate a student unless she had good reason for it.

"This school's designed to make teachers, as well as students, compete with one another. It's only natural that everyone wants to rise up the ranks."

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