Episode 9: The Western Mountain City

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During their travels, Myrina would continue to have the same dream repeating over and over each night. However, she had managed to carry on and eventually, NNBX finally entered the Western Mountain City.

Xiumin's POV
The place smelled great! Just a second in here and I could already smell the cooking of ramen, steak, eggrolls, and so much more! "Alright, first things first." Juno said. Myrina nodded her head in response. "Right. Juno you go rent us an apartment, Xiumin, Jensen and I will wait for you." She told him. Juno then walks off leaving the three of us.

"So what do we do? We'll get bored if we just wait around." Jensen says, I nod my head in agreement and we both turn to Myrina, "We could explore" she then says. Jensen and I agree with her and together, the three of us walk around the city. "Looks like the city goers are setting up a festival or something." Myrina tells us, "If I remember, the festival is on the day when the Neo-Genesis war ended." Jensen then says.

"Nahhh, not again with history!" I exclaim, Myrina begins to laugh while we continue on the streets.

Juno's POV
After leaving the others, I made my way to the local tavern. "The Red Eagle Tavern huh?" I say to myself. After going inside, the host smiles at me. "Welcome friend! What can I do for you? We have a restaurant, and rooms as well as an indoor swimming pool and dueling arena." He says. I look around the room I'm currently standing in. It looks to be clean and well kept. "I'll take two rooms, for three males and one female." "Oh? Three males and a single female? What are you planning?" "Nothing you're thinking of. We just need rooms to stay the next few nights. Why do you think I asked for two rooms?" The host pauses and then lets out a chuckle.

"Very well, its going to be two gold and three silver." I hand him the correct amount and he hands me the two keys. "If you ever need something, feel free to call for us." I nod my head and follow the key numbers to our rooms. "376 and 377..." finally I come across the rooms and look inside each, "Looks clean." I mutter before locking the doors and leaving. I wonder what the others are up to.

Myrina, Jensen and Xiumin had entered a restaurant where they are currently awaiting their food to arrive. Juno follows their trail and joins them. "How was it?" Jensen asks him, Juno sits down beside him and shrugs. "The rooms are nice so thats a good start." He replies. Xiumin and Myrina watch as the waitress walks over.

"Oh a new friend? Hello, my name is South, and I will be your waitress this evening." He tells them. Juno smiles, "My name's Juno, a pleasure to meet you South." South smiles back, she pulls out her notepad and looks to it. "What can I start you off with? I recommend fish, although we also have salad, pork, beef, and more."

Juno pauses for a moment, "I'll just have some beef thank you." South nods her head, "For the main course, I'll take the Western Style Ramen with crab and shrimp." South nods her head again. "Very well, and what about to drink?" "Just some tea." South then leaves and the four of them wait.

After eating, night falls and they get back to their rooms. "Myrina will have her own while the three of us will share one." Juno says. Xiumin groans, "I know you want to hit on Myrina Xiumin. Don't complain, you'll get your chance." They all step into their rooms.

Myrina's POV
After getting into the room, I take off my clothing, putting on more comfortable sleeping wear. I set down my sword and look out through the window. It was starting to rain a little, hopefully it won't be for too long by the time we leave. I laid down after shutting the blinds and turning off the lights. Closing my eyes and praying not to have that dream again.

Surprisingly, I didn't. Instead it was empty and blank, there was nothing but darkness. Just then I awoke to screaming from outside.

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