Chapter 4

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Author's note:

Joseph Morgan is who a picture older Jamie to be. If you don't remember Jamie, he's Paisley's little brother and Harmony's uncle.

Hey everybody!!! Sorry it's been a couple days since I updated. I went to South Carolina for my brother's baseball tournament and got really bad sunburn. It hurts!!!!

Anyways, thanks for the votes and comment. I want to dedicate this chapter to @Dejmccrazy She's absolutely awesome-sauce!!! lol She has literally become my Internet best friend and I am so lucky to have her!!! Love you!!! Thanks so much!!!

Ok so my friend Kaylee recently told me to listen to this girl called Halsey and she's freaking amazing!!! Her voice is so beautiful and just perfect! My favorite song by her is "Ghost". Please go listen to her and give her a shot. You won't regret it.

So here's chapter 4. Please comment and vote. Love ya!

Happy reading!!!



"Harmony, honey, where are you?" My dad calls out in a concerned tone.

I push Cole away and stare wide-eyed at him.

"Who's that?" He asks.

"My dad." I answer and Cole's eyes grow big for a second until he regains his composure.

When he doesn't reply I make a move to step away from him, but he pulls me back.

"You're not leaving. We gotta tell your dad about us." He states firmly.

If my dad found out about Cole being my mate, he would kill Cole and lock me in my room.

"We can't. I know my dad well enough to know he wouldn't take it well and would end up killing you and starting a war between our packs. Maybe its better if we keep this on the down low." I suggest.

"You want me to pretend you're not my mate? To just ignore you and my urges?" He questions angrily. I can't help but shiver at his tone and the mention of his ''urges.''

"No, I mean yes. I don't know. As long as our packs don't find out about us yet. We can still find other times to meet. I promise. I don't want this anymore than you do, but we can't just think about ourselves. We have to think about our packs." I reply.

He stands there for a minute just taking in my words and staring at me.

'Harmony where are you?' My dad says through mind-link.

'I'll be right there daddy."

"Please!" I beg and give him the puppy dog eyes. His hard expression softens and he looks at me lovingly.

"Ok fine, but you can't be hanging out with other guys unless I'm around. And when I wanna see you, you make time." He agrees.

"Ok, sounds good with me. I gotta go but first, give me your phone." I say. He takes out his black iPhone and puts it in my hand. I quickly type in my contact information and give it back.

"I'll see you soon, ok?" I ask and give him a quick yet sweet kiss to the lips. After I pull away, he nods and I run off in search of my father who's probably worried sick.

I turn the corner and slam into someone, making me fall down on my butt. I look up to see my angry yet concerned father standing over me with a sad expression.

"Harmony, baby girl, you're ok!" He says in relief. He picks me up and hugs me into his chest. "I thought you were hurt or gone. I was so scared." He says sweetly then his face twists in anger. "Don't ever do that to me again young lady! You scared the crap out of me. I thought you were kidnapped or something!" He yells.

"I'm sorry daddy. I forgot my cleats in the locker room and had to go back for them. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry." I say guiltily.

"It's ok. Lets just get home before it gets dark." He says and kisses the top of my head.

The car ride home wasn't as band as I thought it would be. We sung along to the radio as usual. I was pretty freaking happy when "Night Changes" by One Direction came on. I sung all the right words, and my dad? Well he tried but failed miserably. We busted out laughing at his terrible singing. I love the father-daughter relationship we have.

"Hi mommy. We're home!" I yell when I walk through the front door. No one answers so I walk into the kitchen to find my mom and uncle Jamie.

"Uncle Jamie!!!" I scream and run into his arms that were opened wide for me. My uncle Jamie is my mom's little brother. I love him so much! He's my favorite uncle. I can tell him anything! He's only five years older than me. We don't get to see him to much because he's soon to take over my grandpa's role as Alpha of the Darkwood pack.

"Har-bear! How have ya been kiddo?" He says my nickname happily.

"Really good. We had open field for soccer today." I inform him.

"And how did it go?" He asks.

"I beasted!" I answer with a smirk.

"That's my girl! Kick ass first, take names later." He says with a proud expression and lifts me up over his shoulder. He spins me around the room despite my mom's attempts to stop him. My dad just sits at the table and laughs at us.

"Jamie if you hurt my daughter I'll kick your ass." My dad threatens playfully.

"Ok, ok. Down ya go." Uncle Jamie says and puts me down.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Jamie.

"I came to talk about pack business with your parents, and also to see my favorite niece." He says cheekily.

"Your only niece dumbass." I reply with a laugh.

"Harmony watch your mouth." My mom snaps.

"Sorry mommy. That one slipped." I say trying not to laugh at Jamie's shocked expression.

"You can't tell this sixteen year old girl to be watching her mouth when you had me cussing at the age of four." Jamie yells playfully.

"Well I'm sorry if you had to go and repeat everything I said." My mom says equally as playfully. While my mom and uncle continue to fight like five year olds, I walk over to where my dad is sitting.

"I'm gonna get do some homework and get ready for bed. Night daddy, love you." I tell him.

"You're not gonna eat supper?" He asks.

"Not hungry. We ate after practice." I say.

"Ok night honey. Love you." He says and kisses the top of my head.

I walk up to my room and get out my math homework. It's not to hard so I finish it in less than an hour. I walk over to my bathroom and slip into the shower. I rub in my coconut passion shampoo and conditioner. I jump out if the shower and dry off. I change into my pajamas and hop into my large bed. Just as I'm about to close my eyes I hear my phone beep from the table by my bed.

I grab my phone to see a number I don't recognize. I unlock it and check the message.

"Hey baby. I just wanted to say goodnight me I can't wait to see you tomorrow."

I realize the text is from Cole and smile. I start to text him back.

"Thanks. I can't wait to see you tomorrow either. Thanks for going through with this plan for a while."

I send the message and wait for his reply.

"You're welcome. Just remember, I get to see you when I wanna and we get to do what I want. ;) "

I blush at his reply. I can practically see him smirking at me right now. I shut my phone off and put it back on the nightstand. I pull the covers up and drift off to sleep while dreaming about deep brown eyes.

Author's note:

Thanks for the votes, reads, and comments. Please keep it up.

I can't believe The Alpha Is My Mate has over 30k views. Thats amazing!!! Thanks so much!!!

Dance Moms comes on soon so I gotta run but love you.


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