Chapter 19

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Author's note:

Heyyy!!!! How's everybody doing? Good I hope.

Thanks for voting and commenting on the last chapter!!!

Please continue to do so!!!

I love you all so much!!!!

Happy reading!!!



"This needs to stop!" I say and surprise myself and everyone else. I have never really used my Luna tone before on anyone but I guess I needed it for this.

"Cole and I are mates, get over it. Tell my dad to get over it." I say and then turn to Luke. "Luke please stop being mad at me for something neither one of us could control. I love Cole, ok? That is something I am certain of. I know his family history and he knows mine. We accepted that and each other. Don't let my dad push you around and make you think the Tanglewood pack is bad because they're not. We gotta get to class. I'll see y'all later hopefully." I quickly run to Destiny and give her a quick hug before making my way to class.

I feel an arm slip around my waist. I sigh and lean back into Cole's strong arms. He kisses the side of my head and a small smile appears on my face.

"I'm proud of you and the way you defended our pack." He says against my ear.

"Of course I'll defend our pack. I just hope I can change everyone's, including my dad's, minds. I just wanna be with you and still have my family. Is that really too much to ask for?" I say as we walk into our first class of the day and take our seats.

"It'll all work out baby girl. I promise." He says and leans into to kiss me. Before he can deepen the kiss a voice interrupts us.

"On your own time Miss. Riddle and Mr. Tanglewood." She says with a smirk. Cole just laughs her off while I turn the color of a strawberry.

"Alright class settle down. Oh Destiny, Luke how nice of you to join us. Take your seats please." Mrs. Jackson says and we all turn our attention to the door where we see Luke and Destiny walking through the door. I make eye contact with Destiny and keep it till she walks over and sit in the seat beside me. Luke reluctantly sits on the other side her. I guess he still hasn't accepted Cole.

"I'm sorry for what went on in the hall. I talked to the boys and got them to agree to talk with you and Cole." Destiny whispers to me.

"Like some sort of meeting?" I ask bewildered.

"No! Just come sit with us at lunch and you'll understand."

After that I stay quiet and lean into Cole who's pulling me over to him. He gives me a questioning look. Probably asking what Destiny wanted but I just give him a small smile. I'll tell him when we don't have as big of an audience.

We get out of first period forty-five minutes later and Cole drags me into a janitors closet. This seems oddly familiar, I think to myself and laugh. He pushes me up against the wall and kisses my neck.

"I have wanted to do this all day." He mumbles while sucking and nipping on the sensitive skin. He runs his tongue over it to ease the burn.

"Cole as much as I love this, I have to tell you something." I put my hands on his chest and gently push him back. He begins to open his mouth to speak but I stop him.

"It's about what Destiny said. She got the boys to say yes to sitting down and talking with us about everything."

"Like some damn meeting?" He asks. I can tell by the way his grip on me tightens that he doesn't like the idea.

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