Promise me you'll come to see me in my dreams
I'm on the verge of breaking
I've been wasting time when I should be working
My heart is burdened, my mind troubled
I need a peaceful sleep
So come see me in my dreams?
I need your love, I need your embrace
I want to feel you around me
Even if it's only in my dreams
Only for a few seconds
I know you are by my side always
But is it too much to ask to feel you
Every once in a while?
Promise me you'll be there
Every step of the way
When I break down
When I lose my mind
Because I need you my love
My Kanha.
I don't deserve this
I have no right to ask this of you
But please, just please
Promise me, you'll be there
When I need someone to lean on
Someone to love
Someone to dream of
I love you
Radhe radhe;
Wrote this when I felt a lot of stress taking over and making me completely unfunctional and now here I am 3 days later, I survived that day. By the grace of my Kanha, who is really always there for me , I came here to tell you; You will survive too just do it slowly, a bit by bit.
We'll be okay.
This wasn't my best piece of writing but I started this book on instinct that day, I wanna keep doing it now because I firmly believe it was him who guided me here that day.

Letters to Krishn
SpiritualI write to him, from me, from you, from us. These poems/letters/phrases are ways for me to help deal with my anxiety and stress. I find that writing helps, and makes me happier, and writing, to him is a different stage of calmness. So I'll write, a...