My grandmother once told me a story
A story about a boy
A boy so beautiful, he left them all mesmerized
When he walked, every head turned
When he played his flute, every heart raced
When he smiled, every eye lit
When he danced, the gods bowed their heads
When he laughed every ear felt blessed
With their butter, he stole their hearts
And Oh! He had a peacock feather
That Radha had so lovingly placed on his head
Krishna was his nameKanha is what I called him.
Oh kanha, can I put the peacock feather on your head?
Dedicated to my grandmother

Letters to Krishn
SpiritualI write to him, from me, from you, from us. These poems/letters/phrases are ways for me to help deal with my anxiety and stress. I find that writing helps, and makes me happier, and writing, to him is a different stage of calmness. So I'll write, a...