9: Babysitting gone wrong

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The chapter is late, I know. I recently got a second job. Curse the need for a life outside of my cave! Friday mourning was very sad. I learned that Technoblade has died.

1999-2022 may you farm potatos and punt orphans where ever you are. Just remember to hit the irl respawn button, we miss you.

Moment of silence before you read the chapter please.

Thank you.


Bulkhead jumped out of the groundbridge and started calling out for Fowler. Church stepped out, sighing as bulkhead blows their cover. When Bulkhead started using his sight to look around, he acts somewhat surprised to see a Decepticon warship.

"The whole Decepticon shabang." Bunkhead said.

Church shushed at him. "What did you expect when rescuing Fowler from the Decepticons? We need to stay quiet so that the cons don't send the whole army after us. Take cover."

The two Autobots ducked behind some rocks to hide from a Vehicon scout. The scout walked past them without any signs of seeing them.

"Alright! Whats the plan?" The voice of a female teenager spoke up.

"F*ck." Church cussed as soon as he heard the voice.

"MIKO." Bulkhead sternly and quietly says.

The Vehicon spotted her and aimed his weapon at the small being.

Miko gasped. "Oh, unwise."

"Miko, get out!" Church and Bulk yelled at the same time.

Miko started running, she doges the first blast. The Vehicon charged up his blaster once more. Church shot the Vehicon's shoulder, causing it to miss its target. Bulkhead tackled the con before it could Fire again. They fought hand to hand combat. Bulkhead pinned the con to the ground. Miko foolishly thought that it was fine for her to through a rock at the Veicons head. Church grabbed her before she could attempt anything. He stood back to watch Bulkhead finish the fight while brooding.

Church was furious. 'What did she expect. we were saving an agent from the Decepticons, of coarse there would be cons who would want to blow your head off. I mean, they are big robots you are a small human that is allied with the enemy. You would die or get one of us killed. we can't fight cons or defend ourselves while protecting your adrenaline addicted, hormone filled, pimple covered brain.' (he can still think faster then humans can. he can even think faster then a cybertronian, but then there is Soundwave.)

Bulkhead pulled out some of the vital function wires from the Vehicons lower torso. The con fell to the ground, slowly leaking energon.

Bulkhead coms Arcee and Bumblebee. He tells them about Miko, who somehow crossed fifty yards within a split second and sneak through the groundbridge without anyone knowing. Luckily they were already on the way to base.

*With agent Fowler*

Fowler was hanging by his wrists, chained to be at eye level with his interrogator.

Starscream walked around the injured human, like a shark circles an injured animal. "Agent Fowler, I have but one simple request to save your family the pain grieving. Tell me the location of the Autobot base." Starscream's sharp digit turned the agent's head to face him.

"No problem, but in need to ask you something first." Fowler gravely stated.

Starscream inched his head closer. "Yes. I'm listening."

Without missing a beat, Fowler gave a somewhat amused expression to the stripper-pole of a stripper. "I got an issue with the customer service around here. Can I speak to the manager." (holy crap. I passed at the perfect time while watching this scene. I can see the figurative gears turning in Starscreams head. I think he thought about actually doing what Fowler requested or something.)

Starscream growled at the chained up agent. "I make the decisions here. I AM IN CHARGE." the seeker stomped his ped in anger. He turned to a Eradicon. "Bring the prod."

*Back with the 'rescue team'*

Church was very worried about William. The agent sort of reminds him of Commander Flowers once he got to know him. William did act more like Tucker if you remove everything smexualised and replaced it with forty years of patriotism, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Fowler is surprisingly a history geek.

Church came back to reality when he heard a groundbrigde open He turned his head over, only Jack and Raf jump out. A Decepticon Squad pointed their weapons at the two boys. "Sh*t." Church swore.

*With Fowler and 'Sourcream'*

Starscream walks to the captive agent. "I'll ask nicely one last time, the Autobot base."

"Sure thing buddy, right after you eat my star-spangled shorts." Fowler snapped.

Starscream smiled. He activated the energon prod. The sound of buzzing electricity filled the air. Starscream jabs Fowler's abdomen with the prod, earning a pain filled yell. "As I imagined." Starscteam stated with a sinister grin. "Energon and human nervous systems don't mix."


Ending the chapter here. I know I'm late but as I explained, I got a second job that is more tiring then the older one.

Funfact, fixing any broken bones on a magpie is technically illegal. They are a federally protected species, so any form of binding or captivity is agents the law. I am now a Federal offender because I used my veterinary science lessons on first aid on a broken wing of an animal they are protecting... I don't get it either. Yes my house is now a local wildlife hospital for my neighborhood.

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