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before this starts mattia and josh did basically the same thing with alvaro the ale did with kairi

kairis pov
we got to the park all me and ale were doing was arguing over the radio but his music wasn't actually bad i liked it. i saw alvaro get out of the passenger side and i ran up to him

alv: omggg hi
kai: hi
?: your cute
??: you are
alv: kai this is josh and mattia my step brothers
kai: i'm kairi but call me kai and alv this is alejandro
ale: hi
alv: lucky-
kai: he's hot right
alv: yes

we laughed and i ran to the swings and ale followed

ale: you good
kai: no i can't touch the bottom
ale: aww want me to push you

i nodded and he pushed me once i slowed down i jumped off and landed on my butt i began laughing and alvaro yelled "i got that on video" i looked at him got up and chased his ass. we then got the other boys on our sides so it was 2 against 3.

ales pov
i got jealous because mattia and josh kept getting close to kairi and so i made up a lie

ale: kai mom and dad want us back for dinner

kairi nodded hugged alvaro and waved to josh an mattia
we got in the car and buckled up i looked over at him and he went on his phone earlier i helped him set up a tiktok, snap etc. he looked at me and smiled

kai: i regret arguing with you. i kinda like your music
ale: seeee i told you
kai: yeahh i guess

we got home and i went to the living room with kai

mom: is that you boys?
ale: *high pitched no it's karen*
mom: ew not you

we started laughing and me an kai ate after i went to my room and he went to his

kais pov
i had fun josh was pretty hot but not as hot as ale tho. i signed and went on my phone i was scrolling through tiktok till i saw a familiar face. omg it's ale i didn't know he had tiktok i started stalking him and saving like 2 or 3 to my favs till i heard a knock

kai: come in
jen: hey kai how do you like it
kai: like it? i love it. thank you so much you and sam are so nice so is ale
jen: glad to hear. how about his friends
kai: there nice i like them. and there new step brother is my best friend
jen: we'll look at that that's awesome. i'll leave you alone now it's late but at least you don't go to school yet
kai: yeahh. but could i get a hug
jen: of course hun

we hugged and she left.

skip time it was 10 now it's around 3

i woke up due to a knock i say a soft "come in" and its ale i smile a little and slowly sat up

kai: what's up
ale: i can't sleep. wanna go for a little ride
kai: sure

i got up and put on a hoodie it was hella long so it covered my shorts but it's fine. i yawned and ale put his arm around me and we walked to the garage we took the keep so it was quieter than his car it was pretty warm like 75 degrees so as we drove he put the top down and put on music.

ale: sorry i woke you but you know i was on tiktok and there's an update and you can see who views your profile. you have fun watching my videos
kai: umm i saw you on the fyp and i accidentally hit your picture and yeah. you can't see who puts videos in there favs
ale: no.... why di-
kai: what no!

we laughed and i looked at him and he looked at me i put my hand in his hair and messed it up

ale: stop your to cute
kai: hehe aleeee i want a hug
ale: when we get out

we than arrived on top of a hill ale grabbed a big black blanket and laid it on the grass he sat down and told me to sit ale gave me a hug and i smiled we laid down and watched the sky just then his phone rang

ale: mattia wtf do you want

ales pov
on call

ale: mattia what the fuck you want
tia: your brother kidding wyd
ale: fucking him..... kidding
tia: good bye i'm tired
ale: umm you are an idiot
tia: thank you

omg he is stupid asf. i laid back down we stayed till like 5 and then left. we got home and we both fell asleep watching some random ass show on tv in the living room.

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