there home

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kairis pov
it's the day after the sleepover josh is taking me home cause we don't wanna figure out what happens if ale sees mattia

josh: you sure you'll be okay
me: yeah mom and dad come home anyway
josh: okay well you know me and mattias number if you need anything
me: yes thank you again
josh: no problem

i got out and waved to him. i walked inside and saw no ale but his car and the jeep were here so i know he's not gone he's probably just in his room or the pool i sighed going up the stairs and went to my room deciding to change i put on shorts and a hoodie then went down for a snack. i heard ale on the phone in his room

ale: yes mom
mom: is kairi okay how are you guys
ale: i messed up *tells the story leaving out his feelings for the other*
mom: wtf ale. what were you thinking
ale: i don't know mom i feel bad asf i think he's still with mattia and josh
mom: well tell him apologize son

i walked away not wanting to hear anything else. if he apologized i'd expect it. i'd kiss him instead. sounds 100 times better i went to the kitchen to make popcorn. i heard footsteps

ale: damn you scared me
me: sorry
ale: it's okay. hey can i talk to you
me: yeah
ale: look i'm really sorry kai-kairi. my anger got to much i like you so much and knowing you don't like me b-
me: i do ale that's why i got sad when you first yelled at me. i wasn't flirting with mattia i wouldn't. i like you ale i love you
ale: i love you to kai more than you know

i kissed him and pulled away i pointed to my popcorn i walked over to the microwave and took it out then went right back to kissing ale. a few minutes into us making out he stuck his tongue in my mouth damn i was getting wet. he stood up breaking out kissing session apart and lead me to the couch where he laid down and i sat on his lap. i began grinding my hips on him and he kept one hand on my face and the other on my hip i kept mine on his face. he then somehow switched us im on bottom and he's on top he started kissing my neck and sucking on it and i was letting out small moans here and there

ale: damn baby that's hot
me: it feels good

he moved his hand down to my shorts they were silky so very thin he rubbed me and made eye contact with me the whole time my eyes rolling back sometimes too. he then stuck it in my pants and panties and fingered me with two.

me: a-ale add another please
ale: okay baby

he added another and that's when i became louder i grabbed his arm when i was close to my climax once i came he licked his fingers and smiled

ale: you good
me: y-yeah i am
ale: okay

he leaned down and kissed me helping me stand up

ale: go get ready once mom and dad get home we're going to eat
me: okay ale

he slapped my ass and i smiled i ran upstairs and changed into a cropped gray t-shirt and some light blue jean shorts with rips in them and my white converse i walked downstairs and saw ale eating my popcorn i ran over and scared him

ale: stop your to good at scaring me
me: thank you
ale: so did that feel good or did i go to hard or

i got nervous and embarrassed so i shoved my head in his chest and said

me: it felt really good. it was perfect daddy
ale: what did you call me
me: umm
ale: look at me and call me that

i looked at him and called him daddy he smiled and kissed me just then the door opened it was mom and dad. ale ran up to dad i ran up to mom and hugged them and the other way around

mom: i see you two boys made up
kai: sure did mom
ale: yeah i'm glad
mom: we knew you'd be okay
dad: alv was going on and on about you kairi
kai: oh no
mom: it was cute things tho he gave us these

it was pics of me when i was a kid

kai: oh my lord ima smack him

after that we went out for dinner at a fancy restaurant once we were done we went to walmart i guess mom and dad need to get things for the house. me and ale walked alone i ran over to the art stuff and asked ale if he could get me a canvas he got me 4 three big and one small one. i was happy i had paint at home so i was good. he at one point sat the canvases down and looked around no one was coming and he kissed me

me: aleeeee i love you
ale: i love you too
mom: there you guys are are you ready
ale: yeah i just gotta get these really quick
mom: okay

she smiled and walked next to me and wrapped her arm around my neck and we walked. we then got to the car and i passed out on ales shoulder

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