1st day of school

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hi guys also ik i havent updated in a few days i'm sorry i've just been going through a lot and hopefully doing this will help me feel a tiny bit better lol.

kairis pov
i have school today saying im scared is an understatement im petrified to say the least. i don't know who's homophonic who's gonna be my friend who's gonna be fake. i know i have ale, alv, mattia, and josh an robert. but still im scared. i finished brushing my teeth and put on:

 i finished brushing my teeth and put on:

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i then grabbed my phone and went downstairs i had ate already and me an ale were driving to school

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i then grabbed my phone and went downstairs i had ate already and me an ale were driving to school. we got in his blue car and left. but once we got to school my eyes grew it was fucking huge. someone like me could get lost so easily. i looked at alejandro and said

me: umm idk about this
ale: it's not as big on the inside as it looks
me: i'm scared
ale: it's fine bub. you have me and the boys

i nodded and got out after ale did. we walked around and finally ran into robert and alv

ale: where's the other two fuckheads
alv: josh went to the bathroom and mattia was going to his morning detention
me: already? it's the first day
rob: he did summer school and was a bad boy

we all laughed and walked in the school ale showed me where the office was and i went to get my schedule

me: hi im new. kairi rosario
mrs. nelson: hi hun. here's your schedule and i'll call someone to help you around. hi mrs. kendall can you send in evan. thank you

hm evan. hopefully he doesn't beat me up. i then heard the door open and there was a hot tall guy. about 6'1 or 2 he had pretty brown eyes nice brown fluffy hair an ear ring and a pretty nice jaw line. 

evan: hi i'm evan me: hi i'm kairi or kai either one heheevan: cute giggle

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evan: hi i'm evan
me: hi i'm kairi or kai either one hehe
evan: cute giggle. okay let me see your schedule..... hmm we have 1st and 4th block together but you have this really nice girl anna in 3rd she's me sister and obviously other people. but anywho tell me about yourself
me: well i'm kairi. i was adopted a little while ago by the rosario family. so im ales step broth-
evan: alejandro. him. damn me and him use to be really close until a huge fight we got into at a party.
me: oh damn im sorry. so you know like his whole friend group

he nodded and we continued to walk and talk. once he was done we only would have like 2 minutes left of first block so he brought me to second block. i now had an art but it was a really hard art but i'm good at art. i walked in and sat down and began working. and listening to the teacher

mrs. moore: kairi this is really good.
me: i love art it's the best thing ever. it helps me express how i feel

we kept talking for 5ish minutes till i had to go to 3rd. i saw a pretty girl and she waved at me

??: over here!

i walked over to her and she said

anna: i'm anna. evans sister
me: hi i'm kairi or kai

we talked all class

mr. browning; okay guys this is an easy assignment for the start

he was right it was easy but a lot of people were struggling.

now it was 4th block and last one.

ale/evan: over here!

they both looked at each other with pure hatred. whatever there fight was about must have been really bad. it was cookin class i decided to sit by myself.

evan: soooo i was wondering if you wanted to hang after school tomorrow

i nodded and we kept talking through class i looked at ale and he hated this.

me: i'll be right back

i walked over to ale and said

me; your okayyy. i'm all yours after school

he smiled and winked at me i walked back to evan and cooked. i made sushi and gave ale a piece he loved it.

after school we met up with the boys and then went our separate ways till anna tapped me.

anna: i forgot to get your number

i gave her my number and said bye. i just met her and she's already like my best friend. me and ale then made our way home.

unknown number
hi kaiii it's me anna

hi annaaa

kai changed anna's name to
anna banana🫶🏻

girl i miss you. how'd you like the first time at this school

i liked it. your brothers great and you are too

watch out for my brother he's your typical f- boy

i will lol. i just got home i'll text you later girlie

mwah 💋

i smiled and grabbed ales hang holding it

ale: you know evan
me: yeah he showed me around the school today
ale: what's your blocks
me: health, art, tech, and cook
ale: we only have cook together that's stupid

i kissed ales cheek and we got out of the car and went upstairs

mom: hey guys your dad will be home soon an we're going out for ice cream
me: yayyy

i grabbed a hoodie and shorts an changed and went downstairs i guess it's like a tradition they do every day after the first day of school. i heard a knock and it was ale he was crying.

me: bub what's wr-

he hugged me we stood there hugging each other for a good 5 minutes

me: now what's wrong.
ale: i'm just glad i have you. i'm glad my mom and dad adopted you
me: aw aleeee

i kissed his cheek and wiped his tears and we walked downstairs. dad got home and we all walked to the ice cream place. me and ale goofed around and mom took pictures of us and posted them on facebook.

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