We used to be friends what happened?

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A/n:this will not follow the whole vecna plot storyline thing so everyone that dies bc of vecna well pretend they don't
Y/f/s means your favorite soda

Middle school that's when it all started Me and him used to be so close what happened.

"Hey pretty girl what are you thinking about" one of Jason's basketball friends said gently hitting my elbow "Nothing that concerns you" I say back getting up and throwing away my lunch trash.

"What's with the attitude today Y/n your normally nice" Jason said when I sit back down "Again it's none of your business" I say starting to get a little annoyed mainly because I don't want to sit with these Assholes but I'm basically forced to.

"Your our friend it is our business" Jason says as he leans closer to me from across the table "Just leave her alone Jason she'll tell you when she's ready" Chrissy said putting her hand on Jasons arm.

"Fine" Jason said in a way I could tell he wanted to keep pushing me to say what's wrong but I would never budge.

The rest of lunch I was silent thinking about how fun middle school was for me when the lunch bell rings I was the first to get up and walk out the cafeteria.

In science which is almost my last class I just have two more classes to go Jasons friend throws a paper ball at me I pick it up to see if it says anything it does.

'Meet me in the back of the school before next class' I look back and Jasons friend and mouth 'why' he didn't answer I just assumed he wanted to tell me something so after this class I did go to the back of the school.

When I got there I was met with a teacher "Ms.Y/l/n why are you out here you should be in your next class" the teacher said to me looking my way "Sorry someone in my last class said they needed me to come here I guess they changed their mind I'll go back to class now" I say about to turn around and head the other way

"Wait you can't just have a random excuse and think I'm going to believe that you obviously just wanted to skip class" the teacher said making me turn back around and she walked up to me "I promise I'm not making that up I threw away the note but it was one of Jasons friends that asked me" I said just wanting to go home.

"If you don't have the note there's no proof your telling the truth so I'm sorry I have to give you detention for skipping" "What that's bullshit" I say immediately after she stopped talking "Language please" she said handing me a detention slip.

I grab it and walk away I hate that fucking teacher just for that I did skip my last period and didn't get caught.

I walked to the detention room but then Jason caught me "What are you doing" he said stopping me "Your fucking friend got me detention" I say holding up my detention slip "which one" he said crossing his arms "I don't know the one with the birthmark on his neck I think his names Trevor".

"Look it doesn't matter I'm gonna be late so just leave me alone" I say walking off  I walk in the detention room and I see someone that I didn't expect to see there.


I sit next to him because it was the only seat left "Hey haven't talked to you in a while" I whispered to Gareth he stopped looking out the window and looked my way "Y/n why are you here" he whispered back.

"Jasons friend made me get caught skipping even though I wasn't skipping" I whisper and Gareth just pulls out a marker grabs my hand and rights his number "Call me after school I wanna hang out with you again" he whispered to me "Of course just like we did in middle school" I say a little to loud.

"Y/n Gareth no talking" "Yea I know that and I don't care" I say after he stopped talking I didn't mean to say it but I did and he just stared at me waiting for a apology that he never got.

Gareth Emerson OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now