The Incident Part 5

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The Day Of The Incident

While he sits on the sofa in the living room, he watches a documentary about animals as he slowly drifts off to sleep. His eyes fought to stay open, his head slightly rolling over to his left side, and his body lumped on the sofa. I remain in the restroom, sitting on the shower rim, trying to figure out what my next move should be to prevent him from hitting me again. 

I can't wait any longer. If I sit here, something is bound to happen to me. If not now, then soon. I slowly but surely make my way out of the restroom, so I can prevent him from waking up and trying to keep my balance. My head was still pounding and each room I step in was spinning really fast. I can't make any loud movements. The last thing I want is for him to wake up. Leaving the restroom, I hold on against the wall with my right hand, making my way into the bedroom. Once I reached the room, I lean against the bed, trying to make the room stop spinning for at least two seconds. For a brief second, I noticed a silver box underneath the bed, but my head was pounding so loud, that I can hear the tension through my ears. I had to lay down for a couple of minutes.

Im not sure how long I was out, but as soon as I opened my eyes, I was blinded by a light.  I squinted my eyes and shadowed my face with the palm of my hand. By my bedside,  I was surrounded by two men wearing masks.

"Where am I?" I asked crossing my arms around my face.

"You're at a hospital, ma'am. You were rushed in by ur husband. He explained that you fell over trying to fix a lightbulb, and manage to hit your head on a cabinet as you fell?"

I paused but proceeded to continue with the story. "Yeah, I fell off a chair." 

"It's a good thing you got here on time. If not, you would have lost a lot of blood. We stitched up your head and your cheek. Just continue to rest when you get home, and ice up that knot on your head, and you should be fine. I'll write down some prescriptions for you for numbing cream and pain relievers. If the pain continues within the next two weeks, come back so we can examine more ok?" He explained

"Ok... thank you, doctor."

"Anytime! I'll call your husband in to take you home dear."

Both doctors left the room, while Ian makes his way in.

"You took me to the hospital?"

"Well, I couldn't let you bleed onto the sheets. It would have stained. And if you would have died, who would have helped me with the rent and the bills?" He said, trying to hold in his laughter.  "Im joking Izzy... When I woke up and noticed you weren't responding, I took you here."

  "Funny- can you take me home now?" I asked muttering under my breath, showing no interest in the conversation.

"No please." He chuckled as the leans on the door frame. 

I didn't respond. Instead, I forced myself off the bed and try to walk passed him out of the room. On the way out he grabs my arm applying a lot of pressure. He pulls me closer to him and grabs hold of my waist and looks around making sure no one is close by.

"You didn't.... say anything- right?" He whispers in my ear

"Let... go of me, or I will scream." 

Without a word, he releases me and I continue to leave the hospital in the car.

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