Where are we?

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Lily's Pov

"Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep B-" The sound cut short as I slammed my fist onto the alarm clock. I cracked my eyes open and looked over to find the alarm clock broken with a few gears poking out. It looked like someone had taken a hammer and just hacked away at the thing.

I cringed as I looked at the once fully functional clock. I was probably going to get a scolding again for breaking my thirteenth clock this year. I slowly inched my way out from under my covers, trying to enjoy the warmth for as long as possible, and stood up. I stretched and yawned loudly. Looking around, I took in the familiar sight of my bedroom. The walls were a dark navy blue with a realistic painting of the solar system along my circular walls, making it look almost real. I had paid my little brother, Fin, to paint it considering he was a skilled artist.

I loved space. Yes, I know...ironic right? For being an Earth Elemental I wasn't really, well...down to Earth. My dad didn't have an issue with it though, being the former Earth Ninja and all. He actually encouraged me in my liking to astronomy. As long as it didn't interfere with my training, it was fine.

Fintan on the other hand loved the beach, anything to do with water really. i didn't particularly relate in his enthusiasm. I hated the water, the beach specifically. I don't have aquaphobia just to be clear, i just don't like water. Dad says I got my hatred for water from mom. My mom is a man, by the way. It's easier to call my parents mom and dad rather than calling them papa and dad. He doesn't mind as long as we don't call him 'mom' in public. 

I walked across my room and entered my closet to change. I quickly stripped and put on sweatpants and a muscle tank (you know... those muscle tank top thingies for women or whatever? Never mind). I didn't even bother to brush my hair; I'd have time to do that after breakfast. I quickly made my bed and pulled open my door before launching myself down the stairs.

Smelling waffles, I made my way into the kitchen.

"Mmm" I moaned as my mouth began to water. "Gimme." I ordered. I then regretted it when mom looked at me from his position at the table.

"Please?" I added, correcting my sentence.

Mom nodded at me and tossed a waffle my direction before I caught it, drowned it in syrup, and began eating.

"Where's dad?" Fintan asked from my right. I looked ahead and noticed for the first time my father's absence.

"He went to visit...your grandfather." Kai answered slowly. He almost whispered the last part. I understood why dad was visiting grandfather. Lately, Grandpa had been getting weaker and weaker, he was always tired, and we rarely saw him anymore. It was obvious his days were coming to an end. 

I nodded and went back to eating, but my appetite was gone.

"May I be excused?" I asked blankly.

Mom looked at me sadly and glanced at my unfinished waffle, that was sitting on my plate. "You're not going to finish?" He asked.

"I'm not hungry." I answered dumbly. It was a stupid excuse, considering I always finished my meals and even had seconds a lot of the time.

Kai didn't look convinced but nodded.

I smiled, thought it was faint and forced.

Fintan watched me walked up to the sink. His expression concerned but reserved in a way that signaled he was attempting to hide his worry.

I set my dished in the sink and slugged back up the stairs to my room, but before I closed the door, I heard Fintan ask, "Do you think she'll be ok once he-" I shut the door before he finished, but I know what he was going to say.

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