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Bang bang

"Oppa!" Lisa shouted outside the room whilst pounding the door so loud making me get of from my bed in no tume. As i continue to walk through the door to oen it, a bracelet caught my attention, then i quickly realized that, that bracelet is the one that i was about to give on her yesterday as a sorry for being disrespectful the last time we've met, but because of that jerk named Eun Woo i wasn't able to give it to her.


It's sunday in the afternoon, im here in front of jisoo's house where Jennie temporarily lived. I was about to press the doorbell when jennie and Eun woo went out from the house. I could barely see Jennie's happiness that can't be seen frequently, and somehow i felt jealous on how Eun woo made her happy that day.

"Uhm Jen, i gotta go now, mom might scold me again if i can't go home early" he said slightly smiling to her "yeah you should really go now, thank you for coming here, and also thanks for the chocolates!" She replied and beamed her greatest smile that i can't help but to get even more jealous.

"You're very welcome jen, I'm happy that you're happy!" He replied and also smiled to her.

"Damn it! I should be the one who makes her laugh that way!"

I just mutter to myself as they're continuously sharing each others happiness.

Just a few moments passed they finally stopped laughing and started to go to the gate so, I immediately hid to the bushes not so far from the house.

When they finally came out I was surprised when Eun Woo pulled jennie to embrace her and the next thing that he did makes my blood boil so bad.

He kissed her forehead!!

"Holy shit who do he think he is to do that on her! He's a jerk, slut, a pervert! Damn you Eun Woo! I really hate you!"

My head is knitting, my brows are furrowing and my jaw is clenching bought of anger that I felt right now.

"Good night Jen!" He said still hugging her. "Good night Eun Woo!" She replied and even smiled on him

"What! She's not angry she doesn't even try to push him away even though he kissed her! Does she liked him?"

My mind is full of questions that I know I can't answer by myself then out of nowhere, her words recalled to my mind the last time we've met. "I hate you! I hate you because of your manners, you pervert jerk, you're too far from Eun Woo!"

The moment that she said that to me, it makes my heart to stop beating, makes my knees to loss its strength to stand up, it's makes my body totally paralyzed, then now I realized why jennie let him to hug and kiss her, it is because she likes him! After that realization I started to back away from them and went to my car and drove it away from them.


"Yah how long will you going to sleep there? We're running out of time hyung!" Lisa grunted that makes me comeback to reality and went to the door subsequently.

As I open the door, a very angry face of her approached me. "Why the hell you don't open the door quickly? Did you know that in almost twenty minutes standing here just you wake you up!" She blurred out as soon as I saw her

"Why? What's the problem? Is there something wrong?" I asked in apologetic way. She sighed and looked up stranger you my eye with a serious face. She's not always act like this and I wonder why.

"Dad came back from the US! And he's on his way here!" After she finished her words, I become deaf, all I can hear is a loud monstrous voice, a kid crying.

Just a moment later, I came back to my senses and hurriedly run inside my room to put my sweater on and take my car's key.

"Let's go Lisa, we have to go now" I said as I dragged her out of the house but I'm too late, He's already here, with a bunch of bodyguards.

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