finally together<3

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(Giyuu's POV)

I was walking around the forest until i accidentally fell on the ground. I started to feel lazy and i definitely didn't want to get up and i didn't even have any reasons to do so, perfect. Few minutes later of laying on the ground i started to fall asleep.

(Third person's POV)

Giyuu was on a mission with Rengoku. "Look who's here" a random voice called close to them. They started running to the closest village hoping that they don't need to fight the uppermoon 3. "Trying to get away, your not fun at all." The uppermoon said annoyed. He then started to run towards them, fast, too fast.

After a bit of running they saw a village but it was pretty far away. So they couldn't possibly get there at this speed. The pink haired demon was very close to them, but they didn't get it to bother them. They knew that Akaza would be faster than us. For their suprise Akaza jumped in the air and smiled weirdly. While Akaza was in the air Giyuu and Rengoku kept running. After few minutes they stopped running and started to look around. They weren't sure where they were. "Where are we?" Rengoku asked pretty loudly. Giyu didn't answer, surprising am i right. Then they started walking around hoping that they would find out where they were. After a few minutes of walking they both were knocked out.

Giyu started to wake up. He started to look where he was. It didn't take long that he noticed Rengoku wasn't there with him. On top of that he noticed that he was in a cell.

A few minutes pass and he saw a person that was wearing all black clothes, which meant that Giyu wasn't sure who it was. The person opened the cell with a normal silver key. The person stepped in the cell and dragged Giyu out of  it to a strange room. The room was fully white and there weren't any windows. The person left Giyu in the room alone, alone? No Giyu wasn't alone in the room. When Giyu looked little bit around he saw a dead body. He got up and walked to the corpse. Giyu was terrified. The dead person was..

Kyojuro Rengoku.

Giyu woke up and noticed he was starting to tear up so he wiped the small tears in his ocean blue eyes. It was getting late so Giyu started to get back to his estate.

While Giyu was walking he remembered someone who used to walk with him, night and day time..


He misses Him every day more and more. He wishes that Sabito would come back, but he knows that he was dead, so he won't come back. That wasn't possible...

(Sabito's POV)

I was in the clouds talking to Makomo. Suddenly we both were back on the earth. "What the hell!?" I said shocked. "How.. just how we are back?" Makomo said confused. "Wait, this means.." i realized. "What?" Makomo asked. "We can see Giyuu again!!" I said happily. "Yesssss" Makomo said happily. "Let's go!" She said. We started walking around ignoring that it was night time. Then we saw Giyuu walking alone in the forest. "There they are" i said whispering. "Let's suprise them tomorrow!" Makomo said quietly. "Yes" i answer.

Tomorrow 11AM (Giyuu's POV)

I waked up and thought nothing will be interesting as always. ' what's the point of living when nothing is interesting ' i thought. I walked to the kitchen to make some coffee for myself. "COW COW HASHIRA MEETING AT 1PM!" Kanzaburou yelled and accidentally flew towards a wall. I almost shoked to my coffee. Kanzaburou flew out like nothing happened. I started giggle. I looked around to make sure no one was here. I looked what time is. "It's 12.36.. HOW" i asked myself. "Ara ara~ Tomioka-san" a voice said outside my window. I already knew who that was so i didn't ever bother to look. Shinobu jumped inside of the window. "Poke poke" she said annoying trying to get my attention. Ofc i ignored her. "It's rude to ignore someone you know. This is why you don't have any friends" Shinobu saud annoyed. ' and this is why you don't have a sister. ' i thought.

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