02 || Darl+ing

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[ - joshua hong - ]

After hours and hours have passed, all of us decided to end the practice and went back to our dorm. When I entered my room, there was Sophia sitting on my desk, doing her works again. No, we're not sharing dorms but she just wanted to sleepover for the night. Not that I mind anyways. It's not like we're dating secretly

"Welcome home" she greeted as her eyes are glued onto her laptop

"Thank you love. Busy again ?" I asked

"Yeah, upcoming meetings and appointment to the psychiatrist. It's messing around with me already" she sighed

"I'm sorry I couldn't be around for too much" I apologised as I wrapped my arms around her neck

"You don't need to apologize you know ? I understand that you're busy" she held on my arms gently

"I'm just happy that despite how busy you are, you have never leave me when I'm struggling. I love you for that honey" she added

"I still feel like I haven't been helping you a lot. I feel bad..." I said as I rested my chin onto her shoulder

She turned her head to mine as she gave me a peck on my cheek

"You giving me emotional support itself has helped me to keep on going" said Sophia

"I'm sorry if I've been making you worried, but I promise you that I'm getting better" said Sophia but honestly, I can't trust her

She may seem okay but I don't think she is. I feel like I'd have to force her to take a hiatus but she really values her work so I feel like it's gonna take a turn for the worst if I pressured her...

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