04 || Darl+ing

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[ - joshua hong - ]

She began to doze off slowly as I was comforting her. I feel very guilty that I wasn't able to help her out that much. All of us are aware of what's happening with her but none of us dared to even say anything about it to avoid any sensitive topic.

She had suffered enough and all we could do now is giving her supports that she needed. I decided to have a call with Wonwoo. I should check up on him too

. . . . .

Good evening Wonwoo ya

Good evening hyung

How's everyone ?

How's the practice going ?

I'm sorry I couldn't join you guys

It's hard to take everything in
right now

Everyone's doing well and are
working very hard now

The most important question is
HOW you're doing

There's no need to apologize y'know ?

We understand that you're trying
to cope through everything now

How is she doing ?

Not that well honestly

She's overworking again and I don't
think her mental is in a great condition

Gosh... I feel bad that I can't look
after her

So can you do me a favour and look
after her for me ?

Of course

No matter how worried you are, please
put yourself first

I promise you, I'll do my best to look
after her

You should focus on yourself in this

Thank you hyung

I really appreciate that

We all love you and don't you forget

I needed that

Thank you so much

You're most welcome

Goodnight hyung

Goodnight Wonu

. . . . .

I hope these two are able to stay strong

Darl+ing • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now