Late Night Cuddles

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It was almost 12:30am and Kaede has been tossing and turning for an hour, struggling to fall asleep. (Putting my struggles onto Kaede era? /j)  At this point, she was getting annoyed at her difficulty to fall asleep so she picked up her phone from her bedside table with a small amount of hope that one of her friends would be awake at this time. This was mainly because talking to her friends really helps with calming her down, and in this moment, she needed it. The first contact she opened was Shuichi's, her boyfriend.  Luckily, he was online.

                                                            ~Fav person💙

                                                                                                                 "Hi Shuichi!"


"Help me "

                                                                                                    "What happened? 😢"

"Tsumugi's being annoying again. She won't stop talking abt this

slice of life anime that's revolved around babysitting."

"She's going on and on abt "Hayato Kamitani" whoever that is"

"I want sleep 🥲"

I hc that Saihara's aunt and uncle that take care of him are Tsumugi's parents so they live together and have a sibling -type relationship, which includes annoying eachother on a daily basis simply bc they could 

                                                         "So you're saying that I should talk to her?"

"Yes pls"

                                                                                 "Alright, I'll end your suffering"

"ty :)"

                                                                                                                  "Yw Shu :D"

                                                           ~Cosplay bestie 

                                                                                                                           "Hiii 💃"

"Helloo 💃"

                                                                   "Why are you making Shuichi suffer?-"

"Bc he's my cousin and I can >:D"

"He told you about me ranting to him huh?"

                                       "Yup and he wants to sleep so it's best if you let him 

                                   sleep before he attacks you tmr due to lack of sleep"

"Oh right- He's somehow more annoying without sleep"

"Jeez, I genuinely don't know how you put up with him."

"I'm going to sleep, I'm pretty tired- I'll just annoy him tmr"

                                                                                                 "Oh- well you do you ig"

                                                                                                                              "Gnn :)"

"Gnn :D"

~Cosplay bestie is offline

'Well, there goes my idea of talking to Tsumugi tonight'  Kaede thought. She wanted to check on Shuichi, to see if he's online. She fully expected him to be offline but he wasn't. She asked him about it. The message was instantly read and was given a quick reply.

                                                                       ~Fav person💙

                                                                      "Love, why are you still awake? I

                                                                        thought  you wanted to sleep"

"I was waiting for you"

"I want to sleep but I want to cuddle you :D"

'This boy can really be something else, that's why I love him though.'  Shuichi normally sounds rather playful when texting but Kaede knew he was blushing like a mad man after that message. A lot of things that he wants to say irl he typically says in text. He can't say them irl due to his shyness. (Putting my struggles onto characters pt.2) 

                                                                                                                ":O yes pls and ty"

"I'm omw to your dorm room"


~Fav person💙is offline

Not much time passes when suddenly, "ding ding ding", Kaede's doorbell was ringing. She got off her bed and excitedly opened the door. Before Shuichi could even react, Kaede grabbed his hand and carried him to her bed. "Okay, you're definitely more excited than me." "Weeeell, I've been struggling to fall asleep for forever now." Kaede whined. They both laid on the bed and covered themselves with Kaede's blanket. Shuichi couldn't help but smile when Kaede wrapped her arms around his waist. He did the same. "Guessing you had trouble too?"  "Yeah that's why I wanted this...and also why Tsumugi roped me into whatever that rant was." Kaede giggled, "Good thing I saved you from that, right?"  "Very.

Kaede wrapped her arms around him tighter and nuzzled into his chest. Shuichi started to feel all fuzzy and happy inside as he stared longer at Kaede who was now curling up into ball next to him. 'How did I get so lucky to have you as my girlfriend?' He kissed Kaede's head which caused him to start blushing after he realized what he did. Shuichi can hear Kaede giggling, "I love you too, Shu."  "uHM- Y-yeah I love you s-sweetheart." 'Goddammit, stop blushing and being awkward'  Kaede's giggling became louder. She looked up at him and said, "You are too adorable for your own good, you know that?" Shuichi's blush deepened and he was vividly having difficulty with forming a proper sentence. 'There's the Shuichi I know and love'  Kaede's smile became bigger. "H-hey, you know it's about time we g-go to sleep s-sO we should get some r-rest." "Are you sure you can fall asleep? You're a tomato now, Shuichi"  "Y-yeAH, I'll b-be fine."  "Okay, if you say so." Kaede slightly rose up and kissed Shuichi on his lips, which lasted a few seconds. "Goodnight, my love."  "G-goodnight, sweetheart." They were able fall sleep easily, embracing each other in their arms and had a great morning since they woke up right next to each other.

I didn't  rlly know how to end this so it sounds kind of abrupt- If there's any corrections that I should make when it comes to writing, please let me know! 

~Ultimate Boyboss

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