The Thing She Loves the Most

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The beautiful sound of piano can be heard as Shuichi was making tea for his wife, Kaede. Her job required her to do the thing she loves the most, play and compose music. But, Shuichi noticed how long Kaede has been playing for. Granted, this song was important, very important. I mean- it was an OST for a popular video game franchise. This was a big deal.

Considering the fact that it was nighttime, Shuichi knew Kaede would be tired (especially with the busy day she had today) Once the tea was finished being prepared, he walked over to the music room. The moment he opened the door, he was greeted with a gorgeous melody...

He was quickly saddened when the song ended almost directly after.

The detective walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, causing a squeal in shock to be heard. A familiar voice soothed her initial fear, ( as you can tell, author likes hug/cuddle scenes :> )

"...Hi, Kaede."  "Eeek! You scared me, Shuichi!" she responded. "Sorry!"  "No no, it's alright! What's that?" she asked while looking at the cup in his hand. "Oh, this is for you. It's still pretty hot.." he smiled at her lovingly and gave her a forehead kiss, "I was hearing your music from the kitchen, it sounds amazing. But don't overwork yourself, you hear?" Kaede pulled him in for a quick but affectionate kiss. "Thank you! And yes, I understand." He gave her another peck on her lips before exiting the music room to go to their bedroom. 

He laid on the bed and decided to read one of his favourite novels, "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie. As usual, he got completely absorbed in the book. So absorbed that he didn't notice the door opening. He felt a weight on his shoulder which caused him to instantly turn around only to see a well known head of blonde hair. This drastically calmed down his speeding heart rate. Who wouldn't be startled by that? 

"Hey, sweetheart." he said calmly. "Hi, darling.." she rests her hand on his chest, he places his hand on top of hers. "Are you finished for tonight?" the boy asks as he closes his book and puts it on their bedside table. She simply nodded as a reply. "Good, I don't want you working past the point of exhaustion." Kaede looked up and pouted at him. 

"You should start taking your own advice, Shuichi Saihara." she said in an "aggravated" tone. "Yeah yeah, but, that doesn't mean you can follow in my footsteps, Kaede Saihara." he teased back.

"I'm not following in your footsteps! At least, not purposefully..." Shuichi began to laugh at the last part of her response. She joined in shortly afterwards. When their laughter dies down, a yawn can be heard from the composer. Before Shuichi can react, she lies on top of him, resting her head on his chest.

"This is nice.." she giggled. Shuichi began running his fingers through her hair, "Yeah, it really is.." he replied. Although it was far from being their first time like this, they still enjoyed it, they enjoy every second they're together. 

Kaede played with Shuichi's hair and when she was finished, his hair was completely messed up. "Aww! You look so cute like this! You should start styling your hair like that from now on." " thanks, too messy." he responded while fixing his hair (as well as smirking) "You didn't have to be so blunt about it..." the girl stated as she lowered her head. Shuichi wanted to tease her more but stopped himself. Instead, he placed a kiss on her head. It was obvious that Kaede was smiling and contented with this, you could've noticed it from a mile away!

However, tiredness swiftly took over as Kaede yawned again. "Want to go to sleep now?" she tiredly nodded. Shuichi adjusted to a much more comfortable position and held her tightly as she was still on top of him. "Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you.."  "Goodnight, my darling. I love you too.."  ...Nevermind

This was the thing she loves the most.

Married saimatsu in this story yayaya 💃

Ok, ngl, this one was pretty short but for some reason I loved writing this- (the reason is kind of obvious but let's not talk ab that :D) 

Already started on some parts of the Oumeno and Amacha book so yAs. Without a doubt, this story will  take a while to publish as well as completely finish bUt if you like both of those ships (but like oumeno more) hopefully you can wait until it gets published  

Once again, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot!

~Ultimate Boyboss

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