𝐋𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟕;

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You decided to randomly stay in your city before moving to yokohama for a few more days. In your hands was an adorable baby hedgehog that you found on the park, a bandage on its small feet, a work from you as you saved the little hedgehog earlier that day.

Walking around your neighborhood to find a place to put the hedgehog back to the wild, you suddenly saw a blonde hair colored boy who had a tanned skin, bruises litter all over it as he scowled, pushing up his glasses that had cracks on it.

You gasped from the sight, what a poor guy! Luckily, you found some conveniently close pharmacy nearby and run to that place, buying plasters, ointments, and such.

Walking to the still grumpy looking dude, you poked his shoulder and he clicked his tongue, "what?!"

You shrinked back from the boy's aggressiveness towards you before handing him the plastic bag from the pharmacy you come to earlier. "U-uh..i saw you have tons of bruises, so..here!" You chugged it to his hands.

Kisaki blinked at the medicine and bandage filled plastic bag before looking at you with his scary frown still present. "Why are you giving me this? This is none of your damn problem."

You shook on your place, "um..i don't know..i said you look like you have tons of bruises earlier, dummy!"

"Call me dummy once again, I'll punch your stupid looking face."

You gasped, offended. "Hey! Be nicer! Apologize!"

Kisaki rolled his eyes, "huh? No way."

"Why are you frowning so much anyways?" You huffed as you observed his face, swallowing down your fear and putting two of your fingers to the middle of his eyebrows, trying to make it look like he's not frowning.

Kisaki only slapped your hand away with a small blush and you sighed, slumping down sadly before you beamed again, putting the cute baby hedgehog on his lap. "Here! You can have him as your friend, maybe you can smile more with this baby hedgehog by your side..." you smiled.

"I found him hurt on the park this morning, i just patched him up, see!" you showed kisaki the baby hedgehog's leg that you put bandages on, "i guess you and the baby hedgehog could be bandage buddies too, huh!"

Kisaki looked at the baby hedgehog intently before poking the hedgehog's tummy, making it let out a squeak. He suddenly smiled, a non scary smile at that. "Cute..." he mumbled, "I'll name you albert."

You giggled when you hear that, making kisaki snap his head at you, a blush on his cheeks from the embarrassment and a frown on his face once again. "Don't laugh at me!"

"I'm sorry," you stiffled your laughter, "it's just that you went from sad to happy in seconds and you gave the baby hedgehog a name already, albert! I found it cute!"

Kisaki huffed and looked away shyly, "whatever."

"Um...Want me to help you with your bruises?" You offered him and when he saw your sincere smile and worried look, he let his guard down finally and nodded.

Hina and his plans of getting to the top disappeared on his mind as now his mind was fixated on albert the baby hedgehog that he got from you, listening to your rambling about how to take care of it, what albert eats, etc. it seems that you're pretty knowledgeable about animals.

What's more weird is that he found your presence very nice, it was comforting. He was even surprised when he heard you asked if he wants to be friends with you and he impulsively said yes.

𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐈𝐄; Tokyo RevengersWhere stories live. Discover now