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Janiya| six (6)

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Janiya| six (6)

"wasgood unc" I greeted walking in the store

"what can i get fa you lil 6" unc asked

"lemme get a god damn... 2 silver gamer" getting my money out ready to pay

"you gone get me arrested" unc said in a strong accident

"unc come on ain't nobody gone know" giving him the money

Walking out the door hearing yelling "I don't give two fucks where he was just know he fell asleep in this cat last night"

"bitch ill embarrass you in-front of these niggas spwm, I don't wont your nigga" Is all I heard before pulling off

Hitting the lock button 5 times I walked in the house to hella people just chilling.

oh hell nawl i said in my head about to walk down the hall to my room "SIXX" my brother yelled

bitch just get it over with

"wasgood" i asked him

he smiled "come sit lets talk"

look at his high ass i said in my head walking to sit next to him

"you know i love you and you my favorite sibling- bitch im yo only sibling" i cut him off cause who tf

"like i was saying.. ill do anything fa you anytime- bitch get to the point damn im hungry" some nigga cut him off

"mhtch get ha heavy ass off me ima order some" talking low

he kissed me on my forehead "thankss sis"

"crusty ass lips" i walked away getting on my phone to order the food

After doing that I got some clothes out getting ready to hop in the shower

FF(fast forward)

Someone ring the doorbell making me get up and walked to the door while checking my phone to make sure it was the pizza ppl

"precaite it" i said taking everything and closing the door

"you dead ass wrong" someone blurred out

"she rude asf, you gone meet ya match someday" my brother said

"stfu" putting the food on the table getting some paper plates

"ouu shit now got me a full course meal" some nigga said dancing

niggas stupid ash, I got my shit and left going in my room

Some hours later i got up cause a nigga thirsty ash nie. When got out my room turning the corner I bumped into a tall figure "watch back lil nigga" i said not paying attention

Walking in the living room i see all these nigga knocked tf out, I just shook my head getting my drank & some left overs going back to my room

Before I could even sit down a knock was at my door, all these niggas was just sleep

walking over i peeped out looking "nigga open the door" a deep voice spoke

Man it pitch black in the hall way cant see shit

I got my phone flash light shining it on who ever it was "fuck you want shawty"

"lemme in" he chuckled "you good" i said closing and locking my door returning to my bed

not even a few seconds later my door open, lemme find out her pickin my locks and shit

"i just wanna smoke plus aint no room in there" he said closing my door, walking and sitting on my bed

"you sturbon asf"

"why you say that" he looked up

"you literally cane in after i locked me door fuck you mean

yall fw it?

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