1 First Induction

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The following hypnosis script is designed to put you into a trance and then wake you up from it. There will be no permanent suggestions or triggers. During the trance, I'll give some suggestions to enjoy the trance. But they should be temporary. If the script works, you should feel relaxed and ready to continue with your day, once you're awake.
In case, you're unsure about the content of the script, you can go ahead and skim through it. This way, you'll know, what is awaiting you. And, if you want this script to work on you, you have to want to be hypnotized.

Before you start reading this hypnosis script, please get into a comfortable position either sitting or lying down. Please make sure, your position is secure, so that you don't fall onto the floor, in case you relax too much. Also, you should be able to scroll down anytime, so that you can continue reading my script. As well make sure, that the device you read this script on is charged enough to stay active during the whole time you read this script.

Next, I would like you to close your eyes and take five deep breaths in and out. After you have done that, please open your eyes, so that you can continue to read my words and follow the instructions I will give you.

As you read my words, please continue to take these deep breaths in and out. You can breathe at your own pace.
The pace, that is the most comfortable for you. Keep breathing deeply in and out.

I want you to notice, how each of your breaths is flowing into your body and out of your body.
Just focus on breathing deeply in and out, as you continue to read my words.

And as you read my words, I want you to notice something. I want you to notice, that every time you breathe out, you are relaxing a little bit.
Just keep breathing in and out and notice the relaxation you feel every time, you breathe out.

You continue to relax a little bit, as you read my words and every time you breathe out.
Just keep breathing deeply in and out and feel the relaxation becoming a little more, every time you breathe out.

And you feel as relaxed as much as you want, because you will still be able to register emergency situations, that require your immediate attention.
A part of your sub conscious mind will constantly scan your environment for emergency situations that require your immediate attention.

You will wake up immediately and smoothly, should your sub conscious mind register a situation that requires your immediate attention.

You will also wake up from this trance, whenever you feel the need to do so.
You can use the emergency wake up from the trance of my script, in order to awaken easily and smoothly from the trance.

You can make this decision anytime you notice something that makes you feel uncomfortable.
And when you want to wake up, because you feel too uncomfortable, you can awaken easily by using the emergency wake up that I provide you with.

And still, you are focused on my words.

I want you to notice, that the relaxation you feel, is centering itself onto your head. As you read my words, you feel your head relaxing a bit, every time you breathe out.
Just keep breathing in and out and feel your head relaxing every time you breathe out.

And as your head continues to relax, with every breath you take, you can keep your eyes open easily, so that you can continue to read my words.

Your eyes may close a bit, because of the relaxation you feel. But you can keep them open in order to continue to read my words.
And your eyes continue to blink when they are needed to.

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