In this imagine your crush is your boyfriend
————————————————————————————Today me and my boyfriend y/c are going to my parents house for the Fourth of July. It's currently
1:48 pm and we need to be over there by 3."Babe did you find the razors?"I yelled walking in our shared room. "Yea they were in the drawer."he said looking at me thru the mirror. "I told you that's where they were" I told him looking at my phone to see the time. He rolled his eyes and began shaving his little beard he had grown.
I walked back into the room and sat on the bed. I was scrolling thru instagram when I heard y/c say "bae I look my age again. I looked like a 25 year old man."I laughed and looked up at him. He looked good, I mean he looked good with the beard to but in that moment he looked delicious.
I got up and walked in to the bathroom. I stood beside him and turned his head. "Yes you do" I said kissing him. I pulled away and headed to the door before my hand was grabbed by y/c. He pulled me back to him and kissed me.
He pulled away and I smiled "What was that for" I asked. "Just wanted to kiss my girlfriend,"he said.
"Mm ok" I smiled and walked off.I went downstairs and went into the kitchen to grab a snack. I grabbed me some chips and left the kitchen. I walked back upstairs and into my room. I sat back on the bed opening my chips and looked at the time.
"Babe we need to start getting ready it's 2:20," I said setting my phone and chips down going into my closet.
y/c walked into the closet and wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned around and kissed him. "What are you gonna wear," I asked taking his hands off my waist and grabbing my red dress. "I don't know,". He said looking through his clothes.I walked out the closet and went to go change. When I finished Changing I saw that y/c had picked out a white shirt and some blue jeans. I went into the bathroom to do my makeup while y/c went to go change. I finished my makeup and we were ready to go.
We arrived at my parents house and y/c got out and opened my door. I thanked him and we walked up to the front door. I knocked and waited for someone to open the door. After a minute or two my older sister opened the door. We say hi and hug. We go out to the backyard and see my sisters husband Michael, her daughter Katelyn, and my mom and dad.
Me and y/c greeted everyone before going to sit by my parents. After a little while my mom said that the food was done and that everyone could eat. We all grab plates and get food. My cousin and her boyfriend then showed up.
After everyone was done eating and laughing it was about 5 o'clock and the sun was staring to set and fireworks were starting to go off more.
(Idk if that makes since)
We all gathered around my parents couch by their out door fire place and watched the fireworks. I was sitting on y/c lap with a blanket. I turned around and kissed him. "I love you". He smiled and kissed me again "I love you to" he whispered. I smiled and turned back around and continued looking at the big and bright fireworks for the rest of the night with my family.
I hope everyone has a great day 💋
(Not proofread)
Crush Images
Short StoryImages you can imagine with your crush Hope you like it❤️ Enjoy