Plus One

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The little girls wearing yellow dresses ran into the living room. "Yes." Azzy said.

"Can you guys sit on the couch for a moment. Me and daddy have a surprise for you guys." Avia and Azalea sat on the couch next to each other.

"Y/C come on." Y/c walked into the room holding two bags stuffed with white tissue paper. He sat them down in front of the girls. Azzy and Ave gave each other a look.

"You're supposed to open them." Y/c said. They girls immediately scooted down the couch and snatched the paper out the bags.

Azzy pulled out a few pairs of onesies and Ave pulled out a teddy bear. Y/c sat down my ultra sound infront of the girls. "Do you know what this means?"

The girls shook their head no. "It means mommy has a baby in her tummy. You're gonna be big sisters!" Azzy looked at me confused. "Mommy have baby in tummy?"

I shook my head yes. "Yea there's a baby in here." Azzy smiled and jumped off the couch. She ran over and hugged my legs. "Me gonna be a big sister." Y/c shook his head, picking Azzy up.

"Yea, you guys will help take care and protect the little baby." Azzy snuggled her head into his shoulder. "I like baby." Me and Y/c laughed and turned back to Avia.

"Sooo Ave what do you think. You're gonna be a big sister." Ave looked up and gave us a straight face. I don't think she was happy. "No."

My eyebrows furred. "Baby what do you mean no?" She crossed her arms around her chest. "I want baby too." Y/c's mouth dropped. "Oh Ave baby."

I walked over to Ave and placed her on my lap. "You can't have a baby right now. Maybe when you're older. But you can play with the little baby that's in here."

She turned around and hugged me, "Okay." I smiled and rubbed her back. "Do you want cake?" She nodded her head yes. We took the girls to the kitchen and sat them down at the island. I cut them a small piece of cake.

"I think it went well." I laid my head onto Y/c's shoulder. "Yea, apart from Avia wanting a baby."

"Just wait til they find out how babies are made." I hit Y/c's shoulder."Oh shut up."

9 months later

"Okay Y/c bring them in."

Y/c brought the girls into the living room. They walked over to me. "Look, it's your baby sister." Avia reached her hand out and poked the baby in the eye.

"Avia no, you don't do that."

"I wanted to see if real." I shook my head no. Azalea kissed the baby on the cheek. "What's her name?" I re positioned myself so they could see the baby more. "Her names Alina."

Y/c came around the couch and sat next to me. "Can she play with us now?" Ave said, staring at Alina, who was yawning.

"No, she's still little, maybe when's she's bigger though." Azalea rolled her little eyes, "Daddy, you said she could."

"I know but she has to be older. She's too little right now." The girls looked at Salina one more time and gave her cheek kisses before running off to go play. 

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