chapter 1

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"It's the end of this book already?? What kind of ending was that ." Daeun said putting the comic book down in disappointment.

"Reading those cheesy romance comic books again??" her best friend Jieun asked, the two girls were in the library, sitting down on the bean bags and doing their homework after school, well, at least Jieun was.

"The main character has the same name as you and yet she was so much more nicer than you." Daeun said and stuck out her tongue will Jieun rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say."

"I'm gonna go look for the second book, if there is one." Daeun stood up and stretched before making her way to one of the back shelves to look for it.

After checking each shelf, to her disappointment, there was no sequel to the comic book. She flipped open to the last page and stared at it.

"I wish it had an ending, I wanted to see the villain get what she deserved." she said and sighed. She opened a gap between the books on the shelf and jumped when she saw a person there.

"Oh my god, you scared me." She said and gave that person a annoyed look. Looking at the person's tag, he was the school's librarian. She had a light of hope that maybe he could find the missing sequel or the ending for her.

"Excuse me, is there a sequel to this book?? the ending is missing." She asked with hope. "Not that I know off..." The guy said. She looked back down at the book, bummed out.

"But from what I know." He begin and Daeun looked up at him. "These kind of books are usually the make your own ending."

She plopped the book back into the shelf. This guy was useless, she thought. "I am not very creative, I just wanted the villain to learn her lesson, she was so annoying." She looked around for a new book. "Hey do you have-"

She looked back up to ask for recommendations but to her surprise, the guy was gone. He was one weird guy, she thought. She picked up a random one and made her way back to the bean bags.

"What took you so long??" Jieun asked closing her math book. "Oh, I bumped into the librarian and we just talked about the sequel, but sadly, there wasn't any."

Jieun gave her a weird look. "What?? is there something on my face??" Daeun said touching her cheeks. "'s just this school hasn't had a librarian since the last one disappeared mysteriously and never came back."

Daeun blinked confused and pointed at the shelf she was at. "Then who was I talking to just now??" Jieun shrugged and started to pack her stuff.

"Maybe it was someone else." Jieun said. I just shrugged and we left the library together.


"Kin Areum, if you don't get your butt out of that bed right now, you going to be late." Daeun groaned and opened my eyes.

Kim Areum?? She thought rubbing her eyes. She slapped herself to wake up from the drowsiness. I should not have stayed up to finish that comic book. She thought as she walked up to the bathroom to wash up and to eat breakfast.

"Areum ahh, what were you doing last night??" Daeun's mom said, sliding a plate of kimchi infront of her. There again, that Areum girl.

Daeun thought it was some sort of prank her parents decided to pull on her again and just ate her breakfast.

"Have fun in school today!!" her mom yelled as she stepped out of house. Jieun was already outside the gate waiting for her.

"Jieun ahhhh!!!" She said dashing down the steps. "Oh Areum your here." There, that Areum name again, what was going on.

"You too??" she asked confused. Jieun gave her a weird look. "What do you mean??" "This morning my mom kept calling me Areum, it was so weird."

Jieun stopped and touched her head. " Are you ok?? did you fall too hard yesterday??" Yesterday??

"What happened yesterday??" Daeun asked confused. Jieun pointed at the bandage on her knee. Daeun stared at it confused, when did that get there??

Jieun looked at her shocked. "You really don't remember??"

"Uhhh...remind me??" Daeun said confused. "We were carrying equipment for the stage play and the cupboard crashed on you Jeongin saved you."

Jeongin?? "Yang jeongin??" Daeun asked. Jieun nodded. "Like the comic book character??"

"What comic book character??" Jieun asked looking at Daeun as if she was an alien. "Have you knocked your head too hard??"

she didn't reply, she was busy lost in her own thoughts. What was going on?? They were stepping into the school gates by then and Daeun turned to Jieun.

"Jieun ah, I uh, need to go to the library real quick, I will see you in class." Jieun opened her mouth to say something but Daeun ran away before Jieun could say anything.

Daeun sprinted all the way to library, ignoring warnings from the hall monitor and pushing her way through incoming people, knocking some over, muttering quick apologises, she ran into the library.

Daeun did not realize that the person she knocked over was Yang Jeongin. His bestfriend, Kim seungmin helped him up.

"What was that for??" Seungmin asked. "Isn't that your fiancee??" Seungmin said looking at Daeun running frantically down the hallways.

"She isn't." Jeongin said, swiping some dust off his blazer. "She annoys me." Jeongin turned away and Seungmin took one last look at Daeun before turning away to catch up to his bestfriend.


Daeun ran to the back shelves where the comic books were. She scanned the shelves quickly and before she could grab the comic book she was reading from yesterday.

She scanned flipped to one of the chapters and it showed a cupboard landing on her and Jeongin coming to save her.

She continued to flip through the previous pages, it was mostly her and Jeongin, sometimes with Jieun, but the dialog was her hating Jieun??

This way..She thought as she flipped to the characters page. Scanning through the characters, she landed on the one that looked like her.

"Kim Areum, 17, Jeongin's fiancee, fake friends Jieun."

Daeun's eyes widened as the book slipped out of her hands and landed on the ground with a thud.

She was the in her favourite comic book...

As the villian second lead....

A/N: slayyy new book!! semi inspired by extraordinary you hope you guys enjoy!! (reminder to stream seungmin's ghost cover!!) 

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