Chapter 3

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Daeun looked at the prom dress she chose, it was definitely giving the "Villain" aura. Her hair was half up and half down, with a simple hair pin.

"Areum ah, Jeongin is here." Her mom said knocking on her door. Daeun took a deep breath and stood up. Her mom gasped.

"You look beautiful." Mrs Kim said looking at her daughter. "Thank you mom." Daeun said. "Now let's go, I need to take some pictures of you and my future son in law." Mrs kim gushed.

Daeun rolled her eyes, yeah right. "Moooommm...." She groaned. Mrs Kim gave her a devilish smile and pulled her downstairs, where Jeongin is waiting.

Daeun walked beside him, dreading every minute of it. Jeongin slipped the corsage on Daeun's wrist and Mrs Kim was busy snapping pictures of the two.

"Stand closer!! I need a picture of my daughter and my son in law together!!" Mrs Kim gushed ushering them to stand closer.

Daeun cringed as she looped her arm around Jeongin's and put her head on his shoulder. Mrs Kim snapped a couple more pictures before Daeun got fed up.

"Mom, at this rate, we would miss prom!!" Daeun groaned. "Fine, I will stop. Have fun!!" She said and they finally stepped out of the house.

Mrs Kim watched as Jeongin opened the car door and helped Daeun in before getting into the car.

As they drove away from Daeun's house, Jeongin scoffed and rolled his face. "Son in law my ass." He muttered.

"I can hear you jerk." Daeun said. "It's not I really wanted to go with you in the first place." Jeongin gave her look before turning back to the road.

"Are you kidding me?? You were the one who asked me to be your prom date in front of my parents so I could not reject you." He groaned.

"They will make us go together anyways, you think they will let YOU go with someone else??" Daeun said.

Jeongin didn't say anything meaning he was agreeing to what Daeun is saying. He eyed the comic book in Daeun's lap.

"Why do you always carry that stupid book with you??" He asked. "It's none of your business." She muttered and stuffed the book into her clutch.

They arrived at their location and Jeongin got out of the car first and opened the door for her. Daeun smiled and took his hand and they walked into the prom hall together.

When they entered, all eyes was on them. She spotted Jieun in the corner and smiled at her. Jieun didn't smile back but turned to whisper something to her date.

Maybe she didn't see me. Daeun thought. Seungmin came up to them with his own date.

"Wow, not bad huh??" Seungmin said. "The future faces of the companies." Jeongin turned to him expressionless and Seungmin gave him a sign that he will stop talking.

"Excuse me, I will go get myself a drink." Daeun said watching Jieun from afar. She walked to the corner where Jieun is standing, taking a drink for herself in the meanwhile.

"Hey!!"Daeun said smiling at her friend. "Hey." Jieun replied dryly. "Looking good my friend." Daeun said bumping her hips with Jieun but she didn't reply.

"So, uhm I didn't know you had a date already..." Daeun said awkwardly. "Yeah, I forgot to tell you, I'll see you around, Jason wants to say hi to someone." She said before leaving.

That was odd. Daeun thought as she walked back, she flipped through the comic book again and indeed, it was according to plot. She flipped to the end of that chapter and nearly dropped her book.

She was gonna kiss Jeongin?? she looked up at Jeongin talking to Seungmin and looking away gagging.

"No way, I am never going to kiss that jerk, what a waste of my lipstick." She said. "I have to avoid him." She looked for the nearest door and slipped out without anyone noticing.

She walked up to the balcony and sat on the bench. This feels nice she thought looking at the sunset, the golden sun shining through the clouds, making it seem like the clouds were on fire. It was like a beautiful painting.

"Areum??" Daeun heard a voice from behind and turned around. It was Jieun. "Oh hi." Daeun said, her eyes landed on Jieun's dress.

Judging from the material, it definitely looks tearable. Daeun thought and cringed, I better stay far far away from them.

Jieun looked at Daeun staring at her dress and asked. "Are you ok?? you seem off today." Daeun snapped out of her daydream.

"Yeah...uhhh, I have to go..." She said and stood up to go but her heels was not cooperating with her and she tripped and stumbled forward to Jieun. She grabbed something to break her fall and ended up grabbing Jieun's dress.

The sound of fabric ripping made her heart sank. Are you kidding me?? she thought as she looked at Jieun's dress. There was a huge rip on her dress. We stared at each other in shock.

A couples of girls walked past us and they gasp upon seeing Jieun. "Oh my god what happened??" one gasped.

"Look, Areum ripped Jieun's dress!!" The other one gasped. Everyone started whispering and Daeun groaned, why did this have to happen like this.

She sighed and took off the blazer she was wearing. "Luckily, I came prepared for situations like this." She said putting it over Jieun.

Daeun then realized her clutch was not with her, the comic book was still in there. "I left my clutch downstairs, let me go get it and I will go get a new dress for you ok?? stay right here."

She rushed off immediately to downstairs to find her clutch, most importantly, the book. She found her bag on the drink table and grabbed it, glad that no one had touched it, she grabbed her bag.

Seungmin came up to her with a drink in his hands. "Hey, where have you been?? Jeongin's looking for you."

"Me??" Daeun gasped. "Don't look so shocked-" He began, judging me. "Ask him to stay FAR FAR away from me." Daeun said turning.

"Yah, Kim Areum." Daeun held in a groan, dear god please save me. Daeun prayed. Jeongin was stomping towards her, with him grabbing Jieun's wrist.

"Avoiding me won't solve anything." He said blocking me. "I know you ripped Jieun's dress on purpose."

"Mr Yang." Daeun said. "I think it's better if we avoid each other for today, for the sake of our sanity, we should avoid each other."

Daeun walked away but Jeongin followed her and grabbed her by the wrist, they were in the corner of the room now, Daeun know she was trapped.

He frowned. "For the sake of our sanity?? What are you talking about??" She sighed, how was she going to explain to her.

"You will thank me-" The door suddenly opened and pushed Jeongin towards Daeun. Her eyes widened and before she could duck, Jeongin's lips landed on hers.

Both Daeun and Jeongin's eyes widened. Seungmin stood behind them, mouth wide open. "No way..." He gasped.

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