Chapter 5

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Ever since Seungmin became aware of him being in a comic book character, he just went with the flow, he has never thought of changing the plot.

But when Seungmin saw Areum after the day she knocked her head, she seemed like a whole new person. She was nicer and in a way, more alive.

He wasn't sure if she became aware of herself or she just whacked her head way too hard. But she was always carrying a book around with her.

And when he overheard Areum talking to herself in the library and the rooftop, he confirmed that she was aware of herself.

When she left the comic book on one of the tables on the rooftop and when he read through it, he knew that he was not alone in this world.


"So that's the story." Daeun said. She was leaning against the railing of the rooftop.

"So let me get this straight." Seungmin said. "Your name is  Kim Daeun, not Kim Areum."

She nodded.

"And your from another parallel universe." He added.

"Also known as the quote unquote readers world." she said.

Seungmin's eyes widened. "This is so cool, I finally have a buddy in this world." He said nudging her with his elbow.

Daeun scoffed and smiled. "Since when were we friends." she teased him.

Seungmin shot her a fake hurt look. "What about the librarian??" he asked.

"I swear I saw him just now, that's why I ran off but he just disappeared and I pushed Jieun apparently." she rolled her eyes. "And that Jeongin really can't see that she's a pick me, why did I even like her character."

Seungmin laughed. "Ironic is it?? hating on your own character." Daeun rolled her eyes and slugged him on the arm.

"I just to make a ideal ending of my own and leave this place, I really can't stay here anymore." Daeun said.

"Well according to the plot, they are gonna get closer from that point onwards. And your gonna lock her in the art room."

Daeun made a face. "Not the locking..." She groaned.

"Are you going to do it??" Seungmin asked. "Of course, I have to after what she said and did to me. And my reputation is pretty much ruined so no harm in ruining it more."

Seungmin chuckled while Daeun just stared at the comic book, she was not looking forward to it.


"Can you tell Jieun Jeongin is looking for her in the art room??" Daeun told a girl that is walking past the art room.

She nodded and quickly walked towards the classroom. Daeun went and hid behind a nearby wall.

A few minutes later, she saw Jieun walked towards the art room looking as if someone has given her a medal.

Daeun rolled her eyes. "Ugh, main characters, always so chirpy." She watched as Jieun stepped inside and she slowly creeped up to the door.

But as she reached for the handle to shut the door, a pair of hands grabbed her arm. It was Jieun.

"Yah!! what are you doing!! Let go!!" Daeun yelled. "You think I don't know your stupid plan??" Jieun said dragging her into the art room.

Daeun tripped on Jieun's shoe and the girl took it as a good opportunity to push her into the art room. As Daeun groaned in pain on the ground, she saw Jieun looking down on her as if she was some peasant.

"Have a taste of your own medicine." She smirked before locking the door. Daeun sat in the dark art room in shock. Why did the plot change so drastically??

She ran to the door and pounded on it. "Is anyone there??" As she continued pounding her fists on the door, she felt tears welling up her eyes.

"I want to go home..." She said her voice cracking before she sat on the floor in defeat, she couldn't do this any longer.

Suddenly, the door opened and she looked up, it was Seungmin. She stood up and wiped her tears with the back of her palms.

"Seungmin ah..." She said. "Are you ok??" He asked eyes filled with concern. "I saw Jieun walking back to class and I knew something was up so I came here as soon as possible."

Daeun felt tears welling up her eyes again and Seungmin noticed it. He patted her head and took her hand and pulled her out of the art room.

As they walked down the hallways, people were staring and whispering but Daeun kept her head down as Seungmin kept walking in front of her.

Seungmin took her to the special room that Jeongin and him hung out with the other popular guys in school. He asked her to sit down on the couch while he opened the fridge and took out a packet of milk for her.

He poked the straw through the milk and handed it to her. "Here." He said. "You will feel better after drinking it."

Daeun sniffed and took a sip of milk. "I don't know why the plot kept changing like this, why is she suddenly so mean?? It's as if she is the villain now."

"Well I think-" Seungmin begin but the door slammed open. Jeongin walked in, bored. He stopped when he saw Seungmin and Daeun sitting together.

"Don't you know not everyone can enter this room??" He said looking at Seungmin. Daeun was in no mood to deal with him right now.

"And that is my fiancee, don't you think you are crossing the line??" Jeongin said raising his eyebrows at him.

Daeun gave Jeongin a weird look. What was wrong with him?? "Why do you care?? go find Jieun or something."

She stood up and pushed past him. She did not want to deal with Jeongin right now. "Wait Da-I mean Areum." Seungmin stood up to catch up Daeun. Jeongin stopped him.

"Yah, do you like Areum??" He asked. "No??" Seungmin said. "She is your fiancee." Jeongin looked down and took a step nearer to Seungmin.

"I hope you remember this." Jeongin said patting him on the shoulder before flopping on the couch and closed his eyes. Seungmin took one look at him before going after Daeun.

After Seungmin left Jeongin opened his eyes and looked at Seungmin walking off with an unreadable expression.


Daeun walked back to class, ignoring the whispers and the death glares everyone was giving her. She was so done with this stupid world.

She sat down and reached for the comic book under her desk but there was nothing. She pulled her bag from there and looked. Nothing.

Seungmin walked into the classroom then and saw Daeun basically trashing her whole desk to find something he went up to her desk and dragged a random chair to seat down.

"Why did you walk so quickly, your fast for someone so short." he teased.

Daeun smacked her textbook at him and said. "Did you take the comic book??"

"No??? I returned it to you didn't I??" He said sticking his head towards Daeun's desk.

"Really?? I swear it was here." She said. She looked through her bag and in between textbooks but no avail.

The comic book was gone.

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