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"Where are they?" Kai asked no one in particular for what seemed like a hundred times. He continuously paced back and forth, worrying about the remaining two group members.

Thanks to Goldie, the four regrouped and finally found their way out of the Stygian Woods. Of course, Kai wouldn't let the opportunity slip from forcing his ungrateful friends to offer their thanks to his summoned friend.

"Sit your ass down, Kai. You're giving me a headache." Yeonjun grumbled quietly from his place. "And don't worry too much. They'll be here soon." He was slumped down in a tree, feeling a little tired, more than usual.

He wanted to close his eyes and rest for a while, but he couldn't. He was in charge of the others whenever the Archer was out. So, he had to stay alert.

"Trust in Soobin hyung, Ningning. He was the one who laid marks on the trees. I'm sure they'll find their way out of the forest... Eventually." Beomgyu pitched in. Because he, too, was getting dizzy from watching the kid make holes in the soil ground.

"Fine." Kai huffed quietly and walked towards the silent Sorcerer to sit beside him.

Although they have gone through this place once, they never stopped to admire their surroundings after the dangerous trek through the Stygian Woods.

As soon as they walked out of the Stygian Woods, they could see the immediate change. It was quite a unique change. Something they have never seen before. Inside the woods, it was grim, dark, and quiet, like something had sucked the life out of the area.

But once you stepped out of the dreadful wilderness, it was like a breath of fresh air. With the chirping Crickets, singing birds, and playful breeze, it was really loud and noisy. But the noise indicated that they were alive.

And the noise is what they got.

Immediately on their feet, their exhaustion was washed away and was replaced with alarm when they heard screams coming from the direction of the woods, which were getting louder as seconds passed.





The four exclaimed, their voices filled with relief and delight to see that the two people they were anxiously waiting for, finally out of the woods. But they didn't expect them to drag them along. Their sudden action caused the four to stumble through the upturned roots and rocks that littered the forest grounds. Fortunately, they regained their footing soon enough.

"What was that for?!" Beomgyu snapped, irritated to have his rest cut short. But his question was immediately answered. Not by Soobin or Dawn, but by the heavy footfalls followed with growls and snarls closed behind them. Alarmingly.

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