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Soobin just stared indifferently at the sword that came speeding to behead him. He didn't move. He couldn't move. The shock of defeat and the sadness and pain of losing his best friend was too much... It was all too much. He could not find a reason to live or fight. He's just... Tired.

Closing his eyes, accepting his death. He waited for the sharp metal to cut his head off his neck, but a flash of red behind his closed eyelids made his eyes snap open.


He looked down at himself, stupefied. His hands, arms... everything was red. Not just any red, but Dawn's familiar red magic, and it was like protecting him.

"What kind of trickery is this, Archer?" A knight of the King questioned him angrily, his sword already back in position.

"I..." Soobin couldn't answer because he, too, had no idea how this happened—Wait. He gasped quietly when he remembered the protection spell Dawn had placed on them. He had forgotten about them.

"Well?" The guard snapped, getting impatient.

"Don't press him into answering. He gets stuttery and jittery under pressure."

Soobin's head snapped up, along with the knight before him. There, standing behind the knight, was the person he thought was dead.

"HYUNG!" He exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes. That's my name. Don't wear it out." Yeonjun grinned smugly at the stunned look on Soobin and the Knights' faces. "Surprise, surprise! Look who's back to save the day."

"How are you... Alive?" Soobin asked, still shocked and speechless.

"You use the Quill, remember?" The Swordsman shook his head, sighing playfully. "Honestly, Soobin. You have a little faith in me." But before the Archer could voice his protest, he continued his speech. "And as much as I would like to stay and elaborate further on my awesome resurrection. We still have some damsels to rescue and a kingdom to save."

As he said those words, Soobin instantly remembered they were in the middle of an execution. Well, failed execution since they got interrupted halfway through.

"Wait! But the Knights..." The Archer looked as he once again failed to realize that no one seemed to attack them on sight when he saw Taehyun with his spell book out and chanting spells with his palm pointing at the Knights.

"I've got it covered when you're at your little reunion. Now, are you done?" Taehyun asked exasperatedly, while keeping his attention on the frozen knights. "Because as much as I love hearing you profess your undying love for each other, we have a more pressing matter on hand. So if you two don't mind, will you get rid of them already? Thank you."

"Okay, okay. Geez. Someone would've thought that you aren't happy to see me alive, Taehyun." Yeonjun pouted, getting his sword out of his sheath.

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