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"Do you think they're going to feed us?" Kai whined one morning when he woke up with a grumbling stomach.

"Don't expect too much from them. What we need to do is to find a way out." Dawn grumbled.

It hadn't been a week, but she already wanted to bash her head against the metal door, hoping it would open if she did so. She thought of doing it once, but fortunately, Kai had convinced her not to do it by saying that his group would be here soon.

But she was getting impatient.

Then, as if the gods finally heard their prayers, they heard it explosions. The whole place seemed to shudder. Clouds of dust from the ceiling kept on falling. And as time passed, it grew stronger.

At first, they thought. Is there an earthquake? But hearing the muffled panic shouts and cries from above, they do not believe it was an earthquake.

The two momentary corpses perked up at the noise.

"Did you hear that?" Dawn hoped she wasn't just hearing things.

"They're here." Kai's simple statement sparked hope in their hearts.

The silent atmosphere from below completely contrasted from above. People were trying to evacuating the area. Their blood-curdling screams and cries for help were muffled by the booming explosions from an unseen enemy. Soldiers were running around like headless chickens, trying to find the source of the detonations.

"SIR! SIR! I THINK I FOUND WHERE THE EXPLOSIONS—" The soldier didn't get to finish his report when an arrow pierced through his metal armor.

The soldiers could only stand there, stunned at the sight of their fallen comrade, when another arrow came speeding and took down another soldier. That snapped them out of their stupor. But instead of hiding and thinking of a plan to counterattack, they panicked.

Fear had already clouded their mind.


A blast of energy took out the talking soldier. Behind the soldier, a silhouette of a cloaked figure was recognized. As the smoke cleared, the soldiers saw a familiar face. His distinctive and deceiving big doe eyes that could turn harsh and cold, instilling fear in those looking at him. It was him...

They were here...

"You guys never learned, do you?" The man said as he stepped closer. His movement was graceful even with fallen debris and bodies from the ground.

"IT'S THEM! We need to report this immediately to the King!" One of the generals exclaimed and was about to order a lower soldier beside him to get a messenger when the said soldier was slashed from behind.

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