New Kind of Star

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I want to save this moment.
I don't remember every time I've sat at night and watched the stars.
But a few occasions stand out, and will accompany me forever.
Ive watched them many times.
Sometimes alone, sometimes with friends, sometimes with strangers, so many times, in fact, that i thought i knew every single one of them.
The patterns they make, the shapes they form, and the stories they tell.
Sometimes i'd get surprised by a shooting star, flying through the sky and fading as quick as it came.
But tonight something happened. We were laying down, looking up, catching glances of clear sky between the few clouds that also played their part creating this experience.
I don't know how long that moment lasted, could have been a second or a few songs, i couldn't tell, my head was up there. The music, the view, the company, everything worked together to create that moment.
I was flying high, amongst the familiar stars I've known for so long.
And then it happened.
At first i thought it was another shooting star, ready to fade away.
But it stayed, moving in ways i've never seen stars move before.
It was like it was dancing up there, playing with the clouds, pacing through the light rain.
It hypnotized me, took farther away than I've ever been.
At that moment nothing else existed.
Time stopped, but the music kept playing.
And this new star, also kept dancing,  amongst its kind.
And in a last musical climax, it rose back up and joined the rest of the quiet sky we all know.
But it did not fade like the shooting stars do, it's still there, like a promise to come back.
This is one of those few occasions that will accompany me forever, The ones i think about when i sit by myself, contemplating the universe, and trying to capture its wisdom.

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