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"~Five little ducks went out one day~" Jin smiled hearing his 4 years old daughter happily singing, "~over the hills and far away, mother duck said qua~ ...ughh, auahhh."Jin turned his head towards his children and saw his daughter giving her brother a deadly glare . 'Gosh this look, just like him, the same eyes' he thought observing his daughter's expression closely.

"Ahh cause of your stupid singing I didn't make the jump and I can start again" the little boy sitting next to her whined, holding up his iPad not wanting to play anymore.

"Papa, Jay is mean, can we stop the car and throw him out? He can walk to our new house" she said pouting. 'And she has his temper too' Jin thought wondering how can she have his mannerisms, when she never met him.

Suddenly long forgotten, or more like pushed away, memories popped up in his mind and he shut his eyes close, trying to shoo them away.

"Mr Kim, we have arrived" said the chauffeur.

The car turned into a long driveway and stopped in front of a beautiful big house. It was surrounded by a huge garden, with lots of flowers and trees.

Mimi and Lisa opened the front door and came out to welcome them to their new home. The two little ones saw the two women and ran excitedly towards them, "Mimiii, Lisaaa have you missed me" screamed the little boy while running and jumping into Lisa's awaiting arms, hugging her. Rolling her eyes at her brother, Joy said, "he is such a baby, are you sure he's two mint... min..tues older" giving her father an accusing look. Jin laughed at his daughter's antics, with his hand he caressed her head and said, "I'm sorry baby but it seams he's always a little bit faster then you."

Entering the house, Lisa took the children to show them their new bedrooms and they loved them. Their rooms were big and already furnished. Jay's room was in his favorite color blue and Joy's all in purple. The rooms were next to each other and connected through a big sliding door. Yes the twins fought a lot but they still stuck together like glue.

Lisa is their nanny and she's with them since they were born. Mimi is the housekeeper and she's working for Jin and Jimin for almost five years. The two women moved few days earlier from New York to Seoul and made sure everything was ready for Jin and the twins. Jimin bought for himself an luxury four bedroom apartment near their new office.

The first night in their new home the kids slept with Jin in his bed. Despite it being a king size bed, with the two cheeky devils in it, it was too small. Jin woke up when his daughter's foot landed on his stomach and his son's elbow on his nose. He looked at his children, his daughter was sleeping like a starfish and his son was moving and turning like he's playing around. He wondered how can people say children look like angels when they sleep. After being kicked and punched, that definitely didn't apply to his kids.

Not able to sleep, without getting seriously injured, he went downstairs to grab a glass of water. Opening the fridge he saw the banana milk boxes and let out a loud sigh. Frustrated by all those, long time ago packed away memories, suddenly coming up, he walked to the living room and dropped himself onto the couch, taking a deep breath. Fighting with his own brain, that wanted him to think about a certain someone he definitely didn't want to. 'Is it because I'm back in Seoul' he asked himself laying down on the couch, closing his eyes not allowing any tears to form or to fall. 

5 years ago in Seoul

Jin, 26 years old, had just discovered that he's 4 weeks pregnant. Shocked and anxious he drove back to his apartment, not sure what to do. How was this possible, he was always careful. His mind traveled back in time, four weeks to be exact, trying to remember the events. 'Yoongi's birthday party', he widened his eyes as memories of the party came back. 'Seriously it was one time, one time only' he thought and grabbed his hair in frustration. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't realize he arrived home.

As he opened the apartment door, he could hear moans coming from his bedroom. Already assuming what it could be, he walked over and pushed the door open, seeing his boyfriend with a woman and a man having a great time. He himself couldn't understand how was he able to stay so calm. Guessing his mind was still busy with the shock, him being pregnant. As the trio finally saw Jin standing at the door they panicked. The two guests jumped up from the bed, grabbing their clothes and ran out of the apartment. Only his totally intoxicated boyfriend was left sitting, still naked on the bed, looking startled.

"I'm going to do some groceries. When I come back, I don't wish to see you here. Take your stuff, leave the keys on the dining table and never show me your face again, we are over" Jin said in a very calm voice. He seemed to be calm but he wasn't, not allowing his hands, arms, legs or any other body parts to shake. He could feel the blood rushing through his body, hearing the pulse in his ears, it was so loud that he thought his heart would burst through his chest, each moment. For a second he closed his eyes wishing, no begging, that it's all a bad dream.

Surprised that Jin wasn't screaming at him, his boyfriend stood up from the bed, putting his boxers on and stumbled over to Jin. The shock, being caught, seemed to sobered him up and the realization of what just happened hit him, he was ashamed of himself. Jin was the man he loved, how could he hurt him in that way, "I'm so sorry... I don't know..." Before he could come closer or say more, Jin turned around and left.

Hours later, when Jin came back to his apartment, his boyfriend was gone and the keys were on the table. Putting the grocery bags on the kitchen island, he plummeted to the floor, started crying uncontrollably, hitting the floor with his fists and cursing his own heart for hurting so much.

Few hours later, he was still on the floor crying but no more tears were falling. Looking around, standing up he decided it was time for a new beginning. It was already 10pm but he couldn't care less. He went online booked the next available flight, it was to New York. At almost 2am he finally finished packing and went to the guest room to sleep for few hours.

The next morning, when he arrived at the airport and checked in, before boarding the plane, he called his friend Yoongi.

"Jin, for God's sake it's 6:30 in the morning, couldn't it wait" Yoongi grumbled with a sleepy voice and his eyes back to closed.

"I'm sorry Yoon but I wanted to ask a big favor." Clearing his throat and suppressing the need to cry again, he continued, "I've sent you an email, explaining everything, with instructions and all the details... My flight is boarding now, we'll speak later, okay..."

"Wait, what do you mean, where are you going" asked Yoongi now sitting up, feeling something wasn't right.

"I love you Yoon" and with that the connection was cut. That was the last time, the two best friends would speak with each other. 

Yoongi, now awake, was sure something bad had happened. He stood up immediately and opened his laptop reading Jin's email. He got so furious, he took the keys, still wearing his pyjama, he ran out of the apartment and drove to his parents house.

His parents were having breakfast when they heard the front door being opened and harshly closed. They saw Yoongi running up the stairs and yelling, "where are you, you little piece of shit? I'm gonna kill you... should've done it when you were born!" Hearing Yoongi's yelling his parents worriedly followed after him.

Yoongi grabbed his little brother, who was still peacefully sleeping and punched him in the face. "You piece of shit" and he punched him again. Their mother came into the room, pulling Yoongi away, "stop it Yoon, why are you hitting your brother?" Yoongi freed himself from his mother's hold and with lots of anger in his voice, he said, "you always let this asshole" pointing at his brother, "do whatever he wants. Maybe you should have taught him how to act like a decent human being."

"What are you talking about" their father stepped in, confused about what was going on. But Yoongi just ignored them and turned towards his brother, he threatened, "stay away from him! I should've known should have protected him from an asshole like you." He grabbed the bedside lamp and smashed it against the wall. Breathing heavily, he turned around and left the house, ignoring his parents calling him to come back. 

There is not depth in my stories so it all moves fast and jumps from present to past, please let me know if it's too confusing 🤦🏻‍♀️

Thanks guys and love you all 💜

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