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jahs pov

i just got out the shower and was downstairs fixing some cereal when it was a knock on my door.

"who tf knocking on my door at 12 am" i said to myself grabbing my gun as i walked to the door

i opened it seeing lelani with a bjg ass bruise on her face and she looked like she been crying.

"what the fuck who did this shit to you" i asked pulling her inside locking the door

she just started crying. i was confused and angry all at once. i pulled her into a hug and she just cried. i sat on the couch.

"tell me what happened" i said

"i-i- i was cleaning up getting ready to go home after the game and this boy came into the room mad because i didnt wanna fuck with him cause i told him i had a boyfriend.

i told him to leave but he wouldn't so i started to grab my taser but he took it and pulled his gun on me and.." she stopped

"take yo time" i said rubbing her back

"he made me stripped i tried to beg him there was another way but he insisted and i was scared so i did but bae please please dont be mad at me" she said crying

"im not baby keep talking" i said tearing up as well already knowing what happened next

"after stripping. he- he bent me over the chair and tied my hands up and aggressively raped me i was screaming and crying and begging but he wouldnt stop. once he stopped he tried to grab my face but i spit on him and then he punched me and left and i came straight here" she said

a tear dropped from my eyes as i thought about how i was finna kill this nigga.

"im so sorry baby" i sighed

"you aint deserve this mama and im finna take care of this i promise" i said wiping my tears.

"let me take you upstairs clean up ima call codah to come over here while ne and my niggas find him alright

"baby dont leave me" she said

"i gotta take care of this codah gon stay with you" i said

"get in with me i dont wanna be alone" she said i wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

i felt awful for her. i couldn't imagine the pain she was in right now. i don't understand how you can rape someone ? its fucking awful.

i ran the shower water taking my clothes off getting her some towels. we got in and i helped her wash. she seemed so paranoid.

seeing all the slap marks on her ass made my blood boil. i was ready to see this nigga blood on the pavement.

once we got out i got dressed and gave her the clothes she left over here.

"hello" codah said

"codah come to my house right now"

"what- why"

"bro i gotta handle sum shit with my niggas some football player raped and put his hands on lelani bro" i said

"what the fuck hell nah im on my way" she ssid hanging up

i did a group ft with jd, renzo, corvian, ,c3, mike n nem

"aye yall meet at my shit ill explain when yall get here" i said hanging up

"you hungry" i asked

she shook her head no. i sighed nussing her forhead

"whats his name" i asked looking up the football roster for the team

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