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Aj's POV

"what the fuck you mean you called the cops to have him arrested" i screamed at destiny


"it seemed like a perfect opportunity, PLUS. this is what YOU wanted so whats the problem you should be thanking me rig-"

i choked her so hard her head was leaning behind the couch

"your a fucking idiot. you dont know shit about this kind of life and you just dragged yo self into sum deep shit with the fucking police. if he pleads self defense ... you coming down as a apart of this i will make sure you do ... YOU HEAR ME" i said

"im not apart of this" she said begging to breathe

i let go and punched her

"but i will make sure you are. learn to stay in your FUCKING place. like seriously what the fuck you brought the cops in this??!"

"it played out how you wanted tho. your hurt all of they feelings by getting lelani raped and now jah is arrested how better can it get"

"get the fuck out you talk too fucking much you making my head hurt with your stupidity" i said

she just sat there

"GET OUTTTTT" i screamed in her face and she got up rushing downstairs and outside

i sat down breathing hard. she just fucked up everything up. EVERYTHING

"fuck" i said getting up to drive around


lelanis POV

today i could finally visit jah. i was in the waiting room waiting to speak to the person at the desk. ive barely gotten sleep over these past few days.

knowing my baby could be locked up for years. it hurted cause a lot happens in years. but i tried to think positive

"next in line" the woman said

i got up and walked over

"im here to visit jahseh woods" i said pulling out my id and other things i was told i would need.

"jahseh woods to the visiting room" she said on the walkie-talkie

"alright follow this man" she said giving back my stuff

i put it back in my wallet and followed the man. he led me to a seat and i sat down staring through the glass window waiting to see him.

i saw him walking through the doors and smiled. i missed his sexy face.

he sat down and grabbed the phone and i did the same

"hey mama" he said

"hey baby" i sighed

"how you doing" he asked

"im not so good i miss you. how are you" i asked

"im holding up just waiting on this hearing today. i miss you more but ima see you soon" he said

"we dont know that-"

"aye i want you thinking positive while im in here okay?" he said

i nodded tearing up

"i dont want you in here. you not supposed to be" i said

"listen... shit happens. we both knew that. it hurts yea but baby... its nothing we can do but fight now okay? plus i heard my max would
only be 5 years"

"5- thats a long time" i sniffled

"its better than what i should be getting alright

"you shouldnt be grtting anytbing it was sel-

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