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same night
lacodahs POV

i was finishing the 2nd 3.5g blunt now and lerenzo laid his head on my lap as i played through his hair. i wondered if he was actually fw the movie.

"renzo" i said

"yea" he said

"idk i was just wondering like what we doing ? cause i wanna be on the same page" i said

"like relationship wise?" he asked

"yea" i said nervously

"well i mean i figured we was talking and chilling but i do fw you on some real shit like i see you as a girlfriend" he said

"fr?" i asked

"yea mama" he said making me smile

"good cause i been waiting on this" i said pulling him into a kiss and he kissed back biting my bottom lip

we made out for a little minute then pulled away.

"so beautiful" he said kissing my cheek before getting under the covers to go to sleep

"our movie not finished" i said

"za put me to sleep" he said tryna cuddle me

"boy no i gotta check on lani right quick" i said grabbing my phone seeing she sent sum
to the gc

"what the fuck look at this" i said

"what" renzo said reading it

"play the video she said skip to 3:18" he said

i nodded doing it and we could see a panick expression on her face as she quickly put aj in the camera and put the phone under groceries

we listened as aj confessed on video tape and we still had the evidence from when destiny came to the house as well.

"this nigga so sick i wish we knew this before bro" renzo said getting mad

"cant believe i dated a sick mf"

"hell nah finna kill dis nigga" renzo said getting up

"lerenzo hes on fucking witsec did you not hear that. if you kill him the case is fucking over jah never coming out literally he gon die in there so sit down let this be shown to the judge man this might be our chance" i said to him

"im fucking stressed" he said sitting down and i rubbed his back

"we all are thats why we all gotta be on one accord. we gon figure this out aint no way the jury gon look at him like a bad man after this" i said

"you right" he sighed

"shit just blew my high" he said

and i laughed sitting on his lap.

"let me find out you gon be keeping a nigga outta trouble" he said rubbing on my ass

"i hope so ion need all yall in jail" i said playing in his hair

"wont be ma" he said

"promise" i said

"cant promise" he said


he cut me off by flipping me over making me laugh

"ima try okay" he said

"as long as you try all that matters to me" i said and he leaned down to kiss me

lelanis POV

i sighed heating up a jamaican paddy instead of
cooking i was so fucking over it

my phone was ringing and it was jah

"hello" i said

"baby you good?" he asked

"yup im fine" i sighed

"no real shit lelani tell me"

"im not fucking good this shit is traumatizing. i can barely sleep im carrying a whole entire child
i feel alone and i'm going through it and that nigga running around like shit sweet im slowly losing it and the system fucked yes you may have killed someone but they dont even care about the mental state of others but wanna give this nigga witsec? fuck out of here bro"

"baby you not alone. im here im just not there. and im so sorry its this way i really am baby. but ima be there in 2 months you gotta be patient. yk i love you im doing everything i can. so is everyone else we love you baby.

"im tired. im so tired of pretending that i dont cry every night jah. that i dont stay up late stressing. my anxiety is getting worse like i just cant" i said crying

"stop allat crying ik you hurting i know it baby. but ion want you to be going through this. dont spend 5 months crying i dont want that. you gon see me real soon baby. and ima hug and love on you and our little one. we gon raise a family allat when i get out youn gotta trip yk ima take care of you right?"

i nodded wiping my tears

"you been praying for me baby?" he asked

"every night"

"thank you i be praying for you too" he said

"i need you jah" i said

"you have me. i want you to get some rest tonight its late ill see you tomorrow" he said

"good night i love you" i said

"i love you too" he said kissing da phone before hanging up

love my sweet baby


the following morning

i stretched as i woke up feeling very different from the other days. i guess reassurance and a long shower equals good rest. i smiled getting up checking my phone. i had a message from jah so i checked

' good morning my love,
got you something its on your porch !

i smiled getting up to put on my slippers. i went downstairs and turned off the alarm. i opened the door and it was flowers. i smiled nobody ever got me flowers.

i picked them up smelling them. i went inside snd took a picture and told him thank you and i loved him. he was making me feel sm better and i was here for it. i posted them to my instagram just cause i never got flowers before.


"so you got him an earlier trial?"i said to erica

"yes because of so much evidence and your testimony during trial the judge granted a faster trial which mesns the judge probably think he deserves a chance" she said

"thats great how soon" i said excitedly

"30 days"

"wha-thats it?"

"listen it's better than 60 days itll be here before yk it and YOU need to be ready" she said

"i am ready" i said

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