Chapter 5

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As soon as they arrived at the institute, Alec headed straight to the infirmary room where Catarina, Magnus's friend and a nurse was waiting for them. The shadowhunter placed his husband carefully on the bed and the blue- skinned warlock tried to keep her cool. Her friend who she knew for centuries was in a terrible condition.

"Catarina... please, tell me that he's gonna be okay". Alec said desperately.

She did not answer him, instead she snapped her fingers and blue sparks showed up. She scanned her friend's body patiently and after she was done, her gaze met Alec's.

"You brought him here on time". She informed him. "He's... he's been tortured, he's full of scars and bruises." Catarina added.

"I... I... I... know... I... I... please... you have to do something. They drugged him too". Alec sounded desperate.

"I know... that's why he couldn't use his magic. I don't know when he will wake up. His body needs time to heal". She looked frustrated. She was about to snap at Alec, when the door opened and a young man appeared, holding a bag. He gave it to Catarina and left the room.

"Wh... what is this"? Asked the shadowhunter.

"He's been drugged, remember? As I was waiting for you two arrive, your sister informed me about the situation so I sent someone to bring me some stuff that I needed". And with that she went to other corner of the room to make her antidote. She could see that Alec was sorry for what have happened, but she was angry too.

Alec was feeling horrible and guilty. "If only I had stayed with you that night..." He whispered and tears rolled down his cheeks. He held Magnus's hand and kissed it again and again. "Magnus... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry". The shadowhunter looked up to his husband waiting for a reaction. Even a tiny one which will give him hope that Magnus was listening, but nothing. He kept holding his hand and prayed to the Angel to waking him up.


The time has passed. It was after midnight. Catarina's antidote was finally ready. She poured it on a small cup and approached Magnus. Alec had his head down, he was probably praying she thought.

"Alec"! She said. "He's gonna be okay. He just need rest". She tried to comfort him.

"I know, I mean you're here and... you know what to do, but I can't help to feel awful about what happened. If I had stayed that night... if only I was there when they attacked him..." He took a deep breath trying to hold his tears back.

"There's no point thinking about it anymore. It doesn't matter anyway. What matters most is that you're here now". She was mad at Alec for allowing something like this to happen to Magnus, but she was also aware that it wasn't his fault. She was feeling bad and needed to express it somehow. Being mean towards Alec and every shadowhunter around the institute was her own way. She used one head to hold Magnus's head steady and with the other she tried to make him drink the antidote. She managed to do it with Alec's help. It was clear that Alec was scared that Magnus might not wake up. She also thought that Alec was shocked to see his husband is this situation, which was understandable.

"Go take a shower and then rest, you can visit him tomorrow". She said, but Alec refused, not once, but several times. At the end of the day, Catarina gave up and went back to her house where her little girl was waiting for her. She was going to come back the following morning to check on Magnus.

Apparently shadowhunters has a variety of runes. One them gives them energy, which means that they could stay awake for more that 24 hours. That's what Alec did. He remained awake.
After Catarina left, Alec grabbed a bowl, filled it with water and sat next to Magnus's bed holding a small towel. He then took some bandages and a bottle which its use was to kill bacteria to clean Magnus's wounds.
Firstly, he soaked the towel into the bowl with the half cold, half warm water and cleaned Magnus's body with care. His movements were slowly, soft and always gentle. There were moments where he might had gotten too close to Magnus's wounds and that uncomfortable feeling might have made the other man groan, but eventually he managed to clean his body successfully.
After that he cleaned Magnus's wounds with an antibacterial spray, which made Magnus's groan more often and lastly, he put the bandages on every wound, always carefully not to hurt Magnus. He covered him with the blanket and he remembered all these sweet moments when Magnus was taking care of him everytime he was sick or injured. Now it was his turn to do it. He sat down and took a deep breath. His hands and clothes were covered in dirt and blood. Magnus's blood. He kissed him softy on the forehead and walked to his bedroom. It was obvious that he needed a bath and a good nap, but with Magnus in this situation the latter wasn't an option. He took a shower really quick, washing off all the blood and after he changed into clean and more comfortable clothes he headed back to the infirmary room. When he entered the room Magnus has been in the same position. He sat in the chair next to his bed, holding his hand and waited.

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