Chapter 6

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It has been almost an hour when Alec came back to the infirmary room, holding a tray with a bowl of soup and a glass of water.

"Hey... I brought you something to eat. You must be starving ". Said Alec. He placed the tray on the small table next to Magnus's bed and sat next to him.

"How are you feeling "? Asked the shadowhunter.

"I'm feeling okay Alexander. Did you have anything for dinner" ?

"Yes". Said the shadowhunter, but Magnus gave him an uncertain look.

"What? I ate... for real". He looked at Magnus and then at Catarina who was giving him the same look.

"Good then it is time for me to go. Magnus if you need anything you can always call me ". She said smiling.

"Wow... wow you're going to leave here"? Magnus made a gesture with his hands showing the room.

"If you don't like being here we can go back to my bedroom. Less noise". Alec suggested.

"Less people too may I add". Magnus added.

"Yes! That too". Alec smiled and looked at Catarina for approval. "It's not a problem, is it" ?

"No... not really. That was the plan anyway". Catarina opened a portal to Alec's room. The young shadowhunter took Magnus in his arms and walked through the portal. Magnus was always impressed by Alec's strength. He was always a gentleman and Magnus loved that about him. Among with other things of course. He placed Magnus softy down on the bed and covered him with the blanket. He fixed the pillows behind his back so Magnus was comfortable and sat next to him.

"Do you need anything "? Asked Alec.

"No Alexander. I'm okay. I can get used to this kind of treatment actually". He smiled and that made Alec even more happy than the fact that Magnus was finally awake.

"Okay so it's time for me to hit the road which means three things. One, don't try to use your magic for any reason. I'll come back tomorrow and talk about it. Two, you need rest. A lot of it. Try to sleep as much as possible and last but certainly not least behave yourselves". And with that she placed the tray on Alec's desk and left. Alec was confused by the last thing Catarina has said, but when he turned to look at Magnus he realized why she has said that.

"We don't really have to behave ourselves, she's been dramatic as always ".

Alec smiled and moved closer to Magnus and touched his lips. "Yes... Magnus". Alec moved even closer to Magnus's lips and said: "We have to behave ourselves. You've been through a lot and I'll make sure you'll recover soon". He kissed Magnus's forehead and brought the bowl with soup.

"Hmm good it's still warm. Open". Magnus looked at him and gave up. He started eating the soup which for his surprise was actually really good. Alec was so sweet, but deep down Magnus was thinking that Alec was doing this, because he was felling guilty. He touched Alec's hand softy and Alec lowered the bowl.

"What is it? It is too hot? You don't like it? I can ask them to make another one". Said Alec worried.

"No no honey. The soup is good, but I feel that something's wrong".

Alec stayed silent for a moment and then spoke.

"I feel responsible for what happened. I should have stayed with you that night. I'm sorry Magnus". Said Alec sad.

"Alexander I don't blame you at all, about the incident. You shouldn't be felling like this. Stop apologizing". Magnus sounded so calm, Alec thought. He believed that his husband would have been mad or scared, but no. He had put the brave face again forgetting that with Alec can be himself. He can be vulnerable.

"Magnus you don't have to do this with me. It's just the two of us". Alec had put the bowl away and now was holding his hand.

"Do... what? I don't know what you're talking about ".

Alec gave him a look.

"Okay I know what you're talking about, but I don't... I don't want to talk about it right now. Please can we just... cuddle maybe?  I missed you ". Said Magnus and it was true. Alec's thought was the only thing from keeping him alive. Alec gave him a smile.

"Of course Magnus, we can talk about it whenever you're ready ".

"Thank you for understanding. Oh and more thing. Uhm ... can I borrow a t-shirt? I don't feel comfortable with... these clothes". Magnus said annoyed.

"Of course Mags. I'm sorry about the clothes". Said Alec. " Catarina asked me to dress you in these so she could examine you. Here wear this". Alec gave him a black t-shirt and that was one of his favorite things. Seeing Magnus wearing his clothes was a huge turn on for Alec, however he had to behave himself as Catarina warned them for Magnus's sake. Magnus put the t-shirt on and it was big for him as he expected. He liked that. He liked wearing Alec's clothes, even though his shadowhunter could use some of his fashion advices, but still it was perfect. Alec lied down and pulled his husband closer. He held him tightly, but Magnus made a noise as if he was in pain and Alec stopped.

"I'm sorry". Said worried. "Did I hurt you"?

"It's all right honey. Just go easy on me?". Magnus asked.

"Yes of course. I just missed you so much ". Alec admitted. Magnus gave him a smile and kissed him. God he had missed his lips. Sweet and soft as always. Alec returned the kiss and it was a slow one. Full of love. After that Magnus lied down on Alec's chest and the shadowhunter covered them with the blanket.

"You need sleep my angel". Magnus reminded him.

"So are you Mags. Remember what Catarina said, sleep as much as possible".

"I will only if you will". Said Magnus.

"Fine"! The shadowhunter was indeed tired. Exhausted actually. He wanted to sleep so bad, but the thought of Magnus being in need and him asleep was the thing that was holding him back.

"But you should wake me up if you need anything. Promise me". Alec was looking at him.

"I promise Alexander. Now sleep". He hugged him.

"Okay...". The shadowhunter whispered. He hugged Magnus softy this time so not to hurt him and allowed himself to sleep. After all these days he could finally sleep with Magnus in his arms. Magnus did the same. He allowed himself to relax inside his husband embrace and enjoy the moment. After a few minutes he fell asleep too.


Hello everyone! How it's going? Are you enjoying this story? This chapter is shorter that the others, I hope you don't mind. Tell me your thoughts in comments.


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See you soon <3

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