Requests Page!

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Hiii so you can request here! Above is the picture that started my obsession.

Please include the following in your request:
-The genre you want (fluff, angst, smut)
-Vague(?) description of the plot you want so I can write it correctly
-List any possible triggers that may hurt people in your request so I can warn people

If your request is NSFW/smut, please read this:
-Everything else above still applies
-Add to your request the few possible kinks you want added to the chapter

And that should be everything! Go ahead and request as your heart desires—I do not mind if you request more than once. In fact, if you have many ideas, I encourage you to get them all out!

I apologize if I take a while writing your requests, I am pretty busy at the moment with my other books and real life! Thank you for your time and I hope you read this <3 I will be able to tell!

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