A Night in the Life of DestructiveDeath

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Reaper sighed discontentedly, dragging another soul to the afterlife. He hated when souls like these made his job harder by yelling and hitting. It was really unnecessary. But Reaper was almost done with the day and he couldn't wait to see Error. They planned to take a day off tomorrow to just relax and be in each other's presence, and that day was almost here!

He had been looking forward to this day for, like, weeks. He had it marked on his calendar with a heart even though he had a good memory. He just wanted to count down the days until he'd finally be able to spend an entire day with his beautiful boyfriend.

Despite what people would think with their jobs intertwining a lot, they really didn't see each enough throughout the day for their liking. And even when they did it was purely work based which meant they had to have a work relationship. It sucked.

When Reaper finally dropped the soul off to where they would be judged he immediately fled to the house he and Error shared when they wanted a break or had some time to spare. The house was fairly unused.. but Reaper and Error made it work anyways.

Reaper flopped onto the couch, excitedly awaiting for Error's return. He didn't know when Error would come home since his work schedule was rather sporadic but Reaper stayed there—waiting like a lost puppy.

After an hour or two, Reaper heard a portal open and close, followed by a glitchy groan. That meant that Error was back! And probably injured.. but still back!

Reaper jumped up, floating over to where Error was—which was a little bit away from where he had flopped down. And yes, Error didn't look the best. He had scratches all over and he was covered in a mixture of paints. Most of it was wiped away with his hands but it was just smudged around. Some of the paint was in Error's new wounds as well.

Reaper frowned, "I'm guessing you want to get cleaned up before anything?"

"P-P-Pleee3E@s-se." ("Please.") His voice was definitely much more glitchy than normal. Probably because of all the paint on his body. Definitely not the best, most pleasant feeling..

"Okay, that's fine, we can start our day when you're done." Reaper watched as Error started walking away with a little limp. "Tell me if you need anything!" Error gave a thumbs up before disappearing from sight.

Reaper disliked Ink for what he did to Error greatly. But he knew that's just how the multiverse worked. People get hurt, fights happen, people die. It's an unforgiving cycle and only the strong can survive. But even so, even if that's just how the system worked, Reaper disliked Ink very much.

Not that he could really do anything about it though. The multiverse would crumble immediately if Ink ever died for good. So no, he couldn't even slap Ink or else everything would die.

And goodness is that a LOT of work for Reaper..

Reaper sat back down on the couch, getting comfortable. He closed his eyes, figuring he could take a quick nap while Error was cleaning and healing himself.


He woke up again when he felt the couch move under someone's weight. Reaper opened his eyes and turned his head over to see Error—who was now clean, less injured, and more calm.

"Sup, you doin' better?" Reaper inquired—concerned about his partner.

"Eh, a-as good as I can be." His voice had calmed down into just a light static and stutter here and there. Which was better than what it was when he first got here! "H-How was your day?" Error opted to change the subject.

Reaper shrugged. "It was fine—just the same thing everyday; lots of struggling and shouting."

Error disliked how most anomalies were so rowdy for no reason. If anything—they were lucky that Reaper got to them. He gets them safely to the other side. But no, they're too blindsided to figure that out; instead making Reaper's job more exhausting than it already was.

Error would say he enjoyed killing those kinds of people, but well, that just meant that Reaper had an even harder time. So well even though Error hated it, he tried to hold off and only kill those kinds of people when necessary. Which was a lot of time.. but still, it's the thought that counts!

"It's okay, I know that look in your eyes." Reaper started with a calm and practiced smile. "It's just a part of life, heh. Ironic, isn't it?"

Error snorted, "Pft- yeah, true."

Reaper leaned his head back into the couch, staying still. Error had sat down at a distance where he's comfortable and it's not like Reaper is going to try and cross that boundary. While they had gotten some progress in Error being comfortable touching Reaper, they weren't there yet. The most they could do with light handholding (that Error has to initiate). But that was okay, they would get there one day!

They had found out with much hesitation from both sides that Error didn't die from Reaper's touch one day, so that was lucky. Reaper had been overjoyed, but Error had crashed that day. It was definitely a little awkward..

But they worked through it together and talked it out! Error knew how absolutely starved of affection Reaper was, and even though he couldn't really help himself, he compromised and knitted a doll for Reaper of himself that Reaper still keeps on his bed til this day. That Error doll knows more about Reaper than Reaper does himself.

Anyways, Reaper had his hand rested next to him so if Error did want to have some affection, he could have it.

There was silence in the room now, but it was comforting. They were both tired and they understood that. It was just comforting that they had the rest of today and tomorrow to just relax together and do cute things all day. It was exciting for both sides!!

Reaper wanted to go places with Error, see things with him, be able to have new memories with him by his side. Like going to Outertale, Error's favorite AU, and laying next to each other while stargazing.

Error wanted to stay home with Reaper and do little things. Like eating together (Reaper had cooked for Error one day while he was out of the anti-void, starving, and Error had no idea what it was so Reaper helped), Error knitting things for Reaper—scarfs, hoodies, gloves, ect. Reaper is always cold—while they watch movies together, stuff like that.

They will definitely have do some compromising, but until then, they'll be happily sitting on this couch together while probably taking a nap or something. So they can do lots of things tomorrow!

Error slowly moved to place his hand on top of Reaper's, smiling a bit as he was happy that he could be this comfortable around Reaper. Anyone else he's tried to do this with took things too far too fast, and Reaper isn't anything like that. Sometimes he does get a little excited, but he never does things like full embrace hugs.

Reaper smiled as he felt Error's on top of his own, still not moving. He just focused on that feeling and relaxed. He just felt so lucky and so happy that he got to be with Error.

They had their rough points, but every couple does. What matters is how they can always work it out and fall even more love afterwards.

They had a good nap together that night like that. Truly a great night together!


Requested by: @M-Moondixy! Thanks for your request <3

(1300 words)

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