Assumptions are Destructive

526 13 22

Error frowned deeply, on the verge of tears. This was fifth time this week that Reaper had to stay out late for work. He suspected that Reaper was out seeing someone else. Someone that could cater to his needs more than he could. Someone that had less of a irreparable reputation.

It was really upsetting to Error. Why wasn't he good enough? Why could he never be good enough? Error hoped that it was all a big misunderstanding, but why else would he be staying out so late every night?

He was supposed to be back by midnight at most, and it was currently 4 in the morning. Error had made it a habit to stay up for Reaper, and that had been easy when Reaper came home when he was supposed to, but now Error was just depriving himself of sleep.

Error was tempted to just break up with Reaper when he gets home. Make him feel as upset as Error is—if he even has any remorse for what he's doing.

But really, he wanted an explanation. He wanted a reason as to why Reaper has been staying out so late and if his suspicion is true why did he decide to do something as cruel as that.

So, to get those answers, he stayed up late tonight. Just like every other night. But this time it's not because he's lovesick—it's because he's going to finally put his foot down and figure out what's going on.

Error felt the slight nervousness he had managed to keep calm before hearing a portal open shoot up into wanting to back out of this. To just pretend that everything is fine. But it isn't and Error is sick and tired of pretending.

"I'm home, babyy~" Reaper said with that same grin on his face as he floated into their bedroom. Was that grin fake? Was every sweet moment they've ever had make believe?

Reaper noticed that Error looked like he was going to cry, feeling confused but mostly concerned. "Are you okay, baby?"

"D-D0n't ca-cAll me th@t." There was no turning back now. His tone sounded like he was definitely holding back bursting into tears, but also holding back screaming at Reaper.

This made Reaper feel rightfully uneasy. "Uh, what's the matter, Error? What happened?" Reaper tried getting closer to Error to sit down on the bed, but Error scooted away and glared at Reaper harshly as a warning.

'Okay, so, I've done something incredibly wrong- but what did I do?!' Reaper thought to himself, panic starting to run through each molecule of his magical skeleton body.

"W-W-Why eXactly h4ve y0-you be3n sta-staaying out so lAte." His tone started to turn more angry than sad suddenly.

Reaper frowned, "I haven't been cheating, if that's what you're implying."

"Th-Th3n-nnn wH@t e-e-3lse have you bEen doOing?!" Error shot up from where he was sitting on the bed, making Reaper take a step back away from Error.

"I've been out working, Error-"

"L-Li4R!!!1!1" Error suddenly started crying, his rage turning into sadness once more.

Reaper really was unsure how to fix this.. he knew he should've given all of those reckless souls his middle finger and just dragged them to where they needed to be. Reaper sighed, "Listen, Error, I love you and only you. I promise I haven't been seeing anyone else."

Error opened his mouth to protest, but Reaper continued, "And I know you probably won't believe that but I swear! I trust you with my life, my soul, everything. I love you with everything I've got. I can't imagine my future being with anyone but you. You are my soulmate, my other half, and I'll love you forever."

Error blinked, pausing. That little speech Reaper made managed to make Error start thinking rationally. It seemed all of the sleep he lost over Reaper started to really just mess with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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