Chapter 1

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      Rantaro laid awake, staring at the ceiling as misery flooded through him. It was the same as it was every night. He would climb into bed, and lay there. Once his parents thought he was asleep, they'd start to fuck like rabbits, creating one of his many sisters. Eventually, he got fed up with the loud clapping sounds coming from his parents room, and covered his head with his pillow, trying his best to block out the intense noises coming from the room next to him.



      He woke up the next morning, pulling the pillow off of his face, rubbing his eyes, which were forming eye bags underneath. He lazily got out of bed, getting ready for the day.

      Once he had gotten ready, he walked out the door waiting for his bus, not bothering to say good morning to his parents. He stared at random things, trees, neighbours houses, etc. Anything else besides his own home.

Before he knew it, the bus had arrived, he quickly ran onto the bus, sitting in his seat. He was so busy in his thoughts that he couldn't even hear the noise of the others on his bus.


I'm sorry it's so short Lmao 🧍‍♂️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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