The big move

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So today is the day I move to the first team which is all I have ever wanted. But something tells me it won't be that simple but simple gets you nowhere in life so I am up for the challenge. I have trained for this my whole life. Anyways you are probably wondering who I am. I am MJ I never actually used my last name I was just always MJ but I am MJ Leon Cerbrian yes my sister is Maria Pilar Leon Cebrian I am actually 4 years younger than her. Mapi and I were never close she was either busy with soccer or volleyball and, on the other hand, I was always out playing street soccer or just surfing I never thought I would play soccer but when your sister starts playing for Barcelona and your parents think why not send her with her and hope they bond then that's what I get. So I finally got moved up since I turned 18 I have been living on my own. Mapi has a new girlfriend which isn't anything new she's always dating one of her teammates so let's see how things end with this one. Her name is Ana-Maria Crnogorcevic she seems like a very nice person which I guess is a good thing. Well, today is my first practice with the team so I gotta go to that.


Today is the day everyone finds out I have a sister I mean it's not like I was hiding her but I and she are very different from each other the only things we have in common is soccer and we both love tattoos so yea. She is a very closed person she doesn't really talk she doesn't go out much unless it's to the beach she loves the beach. I wish I was closer to her and I knew what she was going through but I doubt that will ever happen. Alexia knows she's my sister MJ and she used to be close till Alexia started dating Jenni and then they stopped talking to each other you can tell that hurt both of them and this isn't the first time MJ has been called up but every time she declines and this time they didn't give her a choice. Practice starts in a little so let's see how she does. 


Today is the day MJ joins the first team well moves up to play with us. She's one hell of a player she is fast and she can shoot hella hard. MJ and I use to be close till I pushed her away because I was with Jenni which didn't last long but when I reached out to her she wouldn't answer and today is the day I will talk to her.

Mapi and I are in the locker room and we hear noise in the weight room we both look at each other and start walking that way. When we enter we realize it's MJ and I can't help stare at her till Mapi punches me and says stop looking at my sister like that. 


"MJ" Mapi shouts 

"What Mapi" is all MJ says before continuing to workout she doesn't even look at the other person she already knows who it is without even looking her way

"Dam why are you so rude all I was trying to do is get your attention and you are over here all rude about it" Mapi was upset all she ever wanted was a close relationship with her sister but it looked like it was never going to happen.

"Why are you with her it is like even after the shit she did you just forgave her like her hurting me didn't matter to you" MJ was upset it was what bothered her the most the fact her sister didn't defend her and the fact her sister wasn't there for her after what Alexia did to her.

"I didn't mean to hurt you MJ I never meant for the way things went down for it to affect you that much I just wanted to give Jenni my all," Alexia said with a sad look on her face 

MJ just chuckles bitterly'" And how did that turn out for you because last time I checked she used you and you used her and you guys were the most toxic couple but no one wanted to tell you guys" MJ was known for being honest but yet Alexia hoped that MJ wouldn't hurt her feelings. After everything was said MJ got up since she heard a noise in the dressing room and. went to get ready for the meeting where she would be introduced.

Everyone made the way to the meeting room where Jonatan was at. The last person sitting was Mapi didn't even have her shirt on and right behind her was Ana.  There was whistling heard all over the room and the Jonatan got the room quiet real quick. 

"So we have a new player she has played for Barcelona B team so she knows our style of player please welcome MJ" Jonatan motions for me to introduce myself so I start

"Hello I am MJ I am 24 years old and I play left mid or I play left back" just when I thought I was done Jenni had to say something

"So what you don't have the last name or what" Jenni knew which was why she said what she said 

"Umm yes I do my full name is MJ Leon Cebrian" MJ kept her head down the whole time she said her 

Everyone at once started screaming and asking a million questions which were stressing MJ out she was never one for attention. 

"Um yes I and Mapi are related she's my older sister" was all MJ said before walking out and heading to the field to start her first day of practice which she wasn't looking forward to it at all she was never a fan of first days.

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